chino otsuka

How would you spend a day with your childhood self? Baguettes in Paris? Hopping a train to Spain? Building slushy snowmen in Japan? Well, for Tokyo born, London based photographer Chino Otsuka the answer is “all of the above”! She has placed her grown-up self into old photographs with her little self… flawlessly {look at those shadows!}. The series is titled “Imagine Finding Me”, and it is fantastic! Yeah, this gives #tbt a run for it’s money.

{via Designbooom … and thank you to Beatrice for sending me the link!}

comments (6)

  1. Lee @ Modern Granola /// 10.30.2014 /// 10:33am

    Oh, how cool! I just saw something like this trending on Yahoo, with another woman who did the same thing. Interesting I saw this same thing twice this morning. So creative.

  2. Kaci /// 11.01.2014 /// 12:02pm

    I am blown away. When I first looked through these photos, I thought it was a mother and her daughter. You’re right. Those shadows are incredible. I’d love to know more about her process. Just… wow.

  3. The Pretty And The Mayhem: 09.11.2014 | Pretty Mayhem /// 11.09.2014 /// 12:33am

    […] I loved this photo series – so clever and well […]

  4. claire streather she is all art x /// 11.13.2014 /// 12:29pm

    i bought this book when it first came out and it is so beautiful it made me cry x

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