i’m jealous of aníbal vallejo

Ok. Fine. Planking is kinda over. You know what’s not kinda over… these amazing pieces by Colombia based artist Aníbal Vallejo! Now, these are from 2011 so he made these gorgeous pieces {industrial embroidery and acrylic on canvas} smack dab in the middle of the meme. All five of these pieces are from a series titled “Ten variations about planking after Freud”. You can go and check out his site for the other five. Oh, and while you’re there have a look at everything he makes: paintings, drawings, embroidery… but alas, nothing to do with the Harlem Shake, or Grumpy Cat. Hm, maybe one meme per artist is enough.

{Thanks to Valentina Espinosa Muskus for this one! She commented on one of my Instagram shots, and suggested that I look up Aníbal’s work – you were right Valentina – I love it!}

comments (4)

  1. lanegret /// 06.07.2013 /// 6:36pm

    Amazing work, love the colours and the line! Oh, and he’s from Colombia (South American country), not Columbia.

  2. the jealous curator /// 06.08.2013 /// 6:14am

    oops! typing too fast… again! thanks for that : )

  3. nicole /// 06.08.2013 /// 2:08pm

    I love the last print the red shoes add a whole new focus to the print.


  4. danielle (aka the jealous curator) /// 06.08.2013 /// 3:23pm

    yes, totally! but they’re not prints… they’re embroidery on canvas! just had to throw that it because i think that makes them even more impressive/special ; )

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