search /// laurie Raskin

laurie raskin


This is the vintage, pin-up-esque mixed media {paint, collage, printmaking} work of LA based artist Laurie Raskin. Beachy bombshells, bright colors, and clearly, the perfect amount of bras. Obviously, I had to include Laurie’s work in “California Girls”… which by the way opens tonight… [biting nails]… “don’t worry. everything’s under control”. I’m nervous, but so excited to finally meet all six of the talented women featured in this show. Hope to see you there!

{Her work is available on Saatchi Art}

counting down to…


Oh, I have been dying to announce this! Earlier this year the fabulous curator at Saatchi Art, Rebecca Wilson, reached out and asked if I’d like to curate a show in LA. Um. YES! I decided on a “California Girls” theme and chose six, very talented LA based female artists. In exactly two weeks from tonight I’ll get to stand in a room, with a glass of wine in hand, surrounded by the work of these amazing women. It’s feminine, strong, and just a little bit sexy. Ok. A lot sexy. If you are in LA you should absolutely stop by! Here’s all of the info, and then a tiny peek at some of the work:

Opening reception: Thursday September 24 6~9pm / Saatchi Art at Helms Bakery District : 8745 W Washington Blvd, Culver City {RSVP  here}

Show runs: Tuesday September 22 ~ Tuesday September 29 / 10am ~ 5pm / Monday to Friday / By appointment Saturday & Sunday


So. EXCITED. See you in two weeks, LA.

{Erin Tenquist // Laurie Raskin // Stephanie Vovas // Jill Sykes // Kelly Puissegur // Ophelia Chong}

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