i’m jealous of tara donovan


These stunningly beautiful, insanely meticulous installations are by Brooklyn based artist Tara Donovan. I was thinking of leaving the close-ups out of the post so that I could have an amazing contest with fabulous prizes for the people who correctly guessed what each piece was made from… but the detailed views were just too fantastic, and I had to show them oh, and also, I had no fabulous prizes to give out. Ah, details.  Ok, if I had actually planned an amazing contest, with fabulous prizes, these are the answers I would have been looking for: 1. styrofoam cups 2. buttons 3. paper plates 4. scotch tape

{via Curbs & Stoops… who I just wrote about earlier this morning}

comments (14)

  1. kaitlyn sullivan /// 02.17.2011 /// 8:34am

    this is a REALLY good one to be jealous of. i am so right there with you on tara donovan- her work is awesomeeee

  2. Amma /// 02.17.2011 /// 9:13am

    oh my sweet god. These are spectacular! Buttons! Are you kidding me? So jealous.

  3. Tweets that mention The Jealous Curator » Blog Archive » i’m jealous of tara donovan -- Topsy.com /// 02.17.2011 /// 9:42am

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Amanda Brown, the jealous curator. the jealous curator said: whoa. insanely beautiful installations by tara donovan made from everyday materials. did i already say whoa? http://bit.ly/hoRUvK […]

  4. S. Carmody /// 02.19.2011 /// 6:06am

    This is really cool. The cups piece was in a museum on my campus last year. It was amazing.

  5. the jealous curator /// 02.19.2011 /// 9:10am

    wow. i would LOVE to see this in person… lucky you!

  6. Eva / Sycamore Street Press /// 02.19.2011 /// 2:29pm

    The first time I saw work by Tara Donovan, it was definitely a “I wish I had thought of that first” moment.

  7. Sincerely /// 02.19.2011 /// 5:30pm

    Tara Donovan’s work is unbelievable. I just hung out with one her assistant’s last night yand he told me she has work now at the pace gallery…this time with pins! You should check it out! http://thepacegallery.com/

  8. the jealous curator /// 02.19.2011 /// 5:58pm

    oh my word. those are insane! thanks for the link!

  9. Charlie /// 02.20.2011 /// 8:23am


  10. the jealous curator /// 02.20.2011 /// 9:13am

    yes, i will ditto that… druelllll

  11. Leah /// 03.07.2011 /// 10:06am

    How about this….I’m jealous of….the jealous curator! What beautiful and inspiring work you have selected. Yet also, intimidating, and jealous-making. Your blog is a wonderful idea, a great way to celebrate fabulous work from the perspective of another artist. Can’t wait to see what else you are jealous of.

  12. Things I Fancy: February 21 | Kiffanie Stahle Photography /// 08.06.2011 /// 1:11pm

    […] that in her words makes you think “Damn, I wish I thought of that.” This week she featured Tara Donovan whose installations made of common objects like buttons, styrofoam cups, and paper plates makes me […]

  13. Francesca Cristellotti /// 03.03.2014 /// 7:38am

    very interesting work. compliments

  14. Jealous: What’s New in the Art Scene | /// 11.11.2014 /// 1:34am

    […] tara donovan – stunning installations all about repetition  […]


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