GIRL CRUSH san francisco… a recap

I literally don’t even know where to begin… well, at the beginning I guess! The first of eight Girl Crush workshop + tea parties happened this past Saturday in San Francisco, at the lovely studio of artist/illustrator Lisa Congdon. She welcomed 14 of us {12 attendees, me, and my amazing intern Taylor} into her creative, inspiring, art-filled studio for the entire day:

She shared her story {from 1st grade teacher, to full time artist… ok, there were a few other stops along the way!}, and the behind-the-scenes of her process. So much beautiful work in one place! The other thing there was an abundance of {besides neon pink}… lovely, warm, inspiring, open women. Really, their reasons for attending the workshop were amazing, and their willingness to share their experiences truly blew me away. We spent  the morning talking inspiration, artist blocks, and the mean things we might like to say to our inner art critic {which I won’t repeat here!} {*”Amazing Things Will Happen” ~ hand lettering by Mary Kate McDevitt}

… and then of course there was the tea party! The food was amazing, and did not stop coming! {Thanks so much to Batter Bakery, Square Meals, and Coffee Bar …mmmmm!}

Of course after five or six chocolate ganache cookies, what better activity than a gallery walk! Lisa had arranged to take us to three galleries around the Mission. We popped into Guerrero Gallery, Southern Exposure, and Gallery Hijinks:

Gallery Hijinks is the gallery that reps Lisa’s work in San Francisco. Jillian, {on the right} the owner/director was amazing! She gave us the low-down on how she got started {just fueling the whole ‘insanely inspiring day’ theme}, and then back to the studio for a few more cookies, and a raffle {Lisa gave away two of her Collection-A-Day books, and two large panels… not to mention a zillion things in the gift bags! See, is it any surprise that I have a girl crush on her?}

Thank you so much to everyone that came… I am so honored that you trusted me, and I’m so thrilled with the lovely, inspiring day we had. It was a dream come true for me! And of course, thank you to Lisa for inviting us into her creative space – we loved every single minute of it! xo

*Most of the photos were taken by Taylor, my heaven-sent intern! Also thanks to Maggie, and Tiffanie who took a few of the shots as well.


Ok, I’m not usually a ‘testimonials’ kind o’ girl, but I just had to share some of these email snippets from the women who attended! {If you weren’t at this one, I hope you can make it to one of the other 7 cities – there’s a list of cities & dates in the right side bar}

The experience on Saturday was such an amazing one and to think I was so super nervous about the whole thing. Everyone was so interesting and beautiful and I wish I had miniature versions of all of you to keep in my pocket. On my drive home, I thought a lot about the things that were talked about and I felt a shift in my thinking and just now writing about it, I’m getting teary eyed because Saturday was exactly what I needed to get me over the rather significant hump of ennui that I was using as an excuse for not moving forward with my creative work. ~ Catie

I had such a blast yesterday.  What a great group of inspiring women!  Thanks everyone for being so supportive and encouraging. ~ Kelli

Thank you, Lisa, for sharing your space.  I don’t know if it’s the light, or the nooks and crannies of art and collections, or if it’s all the creativity that you’ve already oozed all over the place, but that room does make one feel like all kinds of amazing things can come spiraling out of one’s head at any time. And to all of you, thank you for being so gosh darned neat-o yourselves. Surrounded by so many interesting stories and pursuits, it would have been easy (for me) to feel overwhelmed and somehow lesser.  Instead, you all left me feeling like I was riding a rocket of supersonic awesome. ~ Maggie

A day later and I am still beaming about yesterday. What a fantastic time being with like-minded women and having the chance to hear Danielle and Lisa’s stories, and ask all those questions. I came home a changed person.~ Tiffanie

comments (35)

  1. Gerrie /// 03.13.2012 /// 8:06am

    What fun you all had! Having spent some lovely time in that studio admiring her work, it was fun to see all of those creative women with Lisa. I am lucky to be Lisa’s Mom!

  2. the jealous curator /// 03.13.2012 /// 8:40am

    ha! that’s amazing gerrie! you should be very proud… she is one girl crush-worthy woman! ; )

  3. Tanya /// 03.13.2012 /// 9:28am

    Oh wow, this looks simply amazing- thank you so much for sharing! x

  4. Lori /// 03.13.2012 /// 9:35am

    *Sigh* Very inspiring as always. So glad to hear the first tea party went so well.

  5. Cariann /// 03.13.2012 /// 9:51am

    I wanna go back, pretty please! Best day ever, thanks Danielle for creating the perfect day filled with inspiration and delicious snacks! #gotogirlcrush

  6. samantha Howe /// 03.13.2012 /// 9:54am

    Such a great recap – thanks again for coming up with the idea and it was SOOO much fun to be there!! Lisa’s studio was incredible and inspiring and i’m excited to see what comes next for all of us!! Sam x

  7. Sandra /// 03.13.2012 /// 11:15am

    I remember hearing you speak at ALT about a project that DIDN’T come off – I think it was a weekend away in Palm Springs doing art stuffs? Anyhow, HUGE congrats on the idea and the execution. Especially since I get to go to the Seattle one in May!

    Can’t wait…even reading about it is very inspiring.

  8. the jealous curator /// 03.13.2012 /// 11:22am

    thanks sandra! 5 more spots left in seattle, so hopefully we can fill it! sf was amazing, and i want to do the same thing in seattle!

  9. Artsy Forager /// 03.13.2012 /// 11:30am

    Looks like such a fantastic day! I’m so bummed I won’t be able to make the one in Seattle. Congrats on the first of what I’m sure will be a long series of inspiring tea parties!

  10. Bridget Watson Payne /// 03.13.2012 /// 12:05pm

    Thanks again for such a fantastic day! It really brought together some amazing people. And Taylor’s photos are stunning–they really convey the magic of the space.

  11. the jealous curator /// 03.13.2012 /// 12:17pm

    YAY! Thanks Bridget – your post was fantastic too! Thanks so much for doing that : )

  12. julie /// 03.13.2012 /// 2:57pm

    I sent a “reply-all” e-mail the other day- not sure if everyone got it. (Dang iPhone!) I just want to say thanks again to everyone for their inspirational and uplifting stories; and thanks to Danielle (and Taylor) for putting it all together, and Lisa for hosting us in her wonderfully bright and cheery studio! Three days later, and I still feel inspired to create something cool. I am seriously thinking of attending another “GirlCrush” party in Austin- that’s how cool it was. 🙂

  13. the jealous curator /// 03.13.2012 /// 3:10pm

    thanks so much julie! i would love to see you in austin in september… i think alyson fox’s workshop is going to be AMAZING!

  14. victoria /// 03.13.2012 /// 3:12pm

    looks like you girls had a blast!! bravo!

  15. julie /// 03.13.2012 /// 3:33pm

    P.S. I was hoping Victoria would pop in to meet us, but alas, we had to console ourselves with her pretty vintage china teacups. Oh well, next time.

  16. Saskia /// 03.14.2012 /// 1:02am

    Another *sigh*
    I’m drooling a little bit; at the food, the cups of tea and of course the art! Looks like an amazing, inspiring time was had by everyone. Wish I wasn’t on the other side of the world…

  17. Melanie /// 03.14.2012 /// 6:26am

    It looks like you guys had so much fun! I can’t wait until Girl Crush Seattle!

  18. the jealous curator /// 03.14.2012 /// 8:05am

    me too!!!! only 5 spots left!

  19. andrea daquino /// 03.15.2012 /// 10:00am

    so nice!

  20. ¡Qué planazo! / How cool is this!!! | El Jardín Rojo /// 03.22.2012 /// 11:05pm

    […] cuento, desde el blog “Jealous Curator” han convocado ocho talleres que se celebran en los estudios de ocho mujeres dedicadas a diferentes […]

  21. Lynnea /// 04.13.2012 /// 11:25am

    This all sounds lovely! How did I get on the “list”???? My heart is racing just thinking about such an art day!

  22. the jealous curator /// 04.13.2012 /// 11:28am

    it was a pretty amazing day! where do you live? there are a whole bunch of these workshops lined up all across the US for 2012, and now a list starting for 2013! i hope you can make it to one of them!

  23. great news! /// 04.19.2012 /// 9:11am

    […] of our sponsors, Elephants Deli and Plywerk, it is now only $175.  I am beyond excited after reading about the success of the first event in San Francisco.  I hope you can join […]

  24. BP /// 06.19.2012 /// 7:47am

    I love love love this concept! There is power in the presence of positive, creative female energy! Pretty & sugary surroundings certainly don’t hurt either!! Please do host another one in SF soon @ Makeshift Society when it opens this fall! Just read about it last night and saw your comment 🙂 Save a seat for me, okay????

  25. the jealous curator /// 06.19.2012 /// 8:12am

    ha! done!!! ; )

  26. Danielle Krysa of The Jealous Curator | Front & Main /// 10.18.2012 /// 8:46am

    […] eat fancy sandwiches, and pretty cakes. And then we make art. I’ve been to four cities already (San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis), and I’m headed to Philly on October 13. They have all been […]

  27. christina /// 12.28.2012 /// 5:49pm

    I am fairly new to the bay area (I live in El Sobrante in the East Bay). I work full time in a non-creative field and don’t have much friends in the area yet. And not knowing the area too well, working full time….it has been really hard for me to ‘get out there’ to the creative spots. Sometimes…. I really need a creative morale boost….I would LOVE to attend your next SF party.

  28. the jealous curator /// 12.28.2012 /// 8:17pm

    i’m sorry christina… that can be tough! do you know about makeshift? you should TOTALLY check it out… i think it might be exactly what you need! : )

  29. Mira /// 02.28.2013 /// 9:28am

    Wow! Just found your website through facebook. I am thrilled to find your site! What a great idea to have a girl crush tea party. Wish I would have found you earlier. I’m adding your blog to my google reader . . . stat!
    Best wishes.

  30. the jealous curator /// 02.28.2013 /// 9:48am

    yay! thanks mira : )

  31. laura gaffke /// 03.11.2013 /// 3:11am

    What an inspiring day! I loved all the pictures and gallery tour. I live on the east coast and have only been to San Francisco once but this makes me want to return! Thanks for sharing….Laura

  32. Bernadette Pratt /// 01.15.2014 /// 3:45am

    I spent a glorious week in San Francisco and stayed in the Mission. While there I discovered the wonderful murals but next time I have to check out the galleries you mentioned. Just really discovered the glorious world of blog when I decided to try it myself.

  33. Danielle Krysa of The Jealous Curator - Front & Main : Front & Main /// 02.14.2014 /// 6:28am

    […] eat fancy sandwiches, and pretty cakes. And then we make art. I’ve been to four cities already (San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis), and I’m headed to Philly on October 13. They have all been […]

  34. ルイヴィトンバッグ レディース 通販 /// 12.10.2014 /// 3:17pm

    非常にあなたの文章の ながら|快い 登場鳴っ最初に、しませんでした座らない沈降さ完全にいくつかの時間後に私個人。 全体|どこかでどこか文章あなたは私に信者を作ることができたが管理非常に短いしばらく。 I しかし|ジャンプあなたに問題があることに持っているロジックをと1かもしれない何よくへ休憩ヘルプ} {ものを記入。 イベントであなたはそれを達成することができ、私はうきっとこと魅了。
    ルイヴィトンバッグ レディース 通販

  35. “blossoms & burlesque” | Beholdamerica the blog /// 09.19.2015 /// 11:35pm

    […] a wonderful, creative, soul-restoring residency where she’s knee-deep in paper flowers. When we met in 2012, Tiffanie was an at-home-mom who had put her architecture career on hold (indefinitely) and was, […]

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