i’m jealous of alex gross

Whether you’re into superheroes, Star Trek, or weird little devil boys who enjoy iced coffee {perhaps a statement on the establishment where the devil boy purchased his iced coffee?}, LA based artist Alex Gross has something for you! In this very large series of mixed media work, he paints over found vintage portraits, and adds just a dash {alright, a huge dollop} of pop culture. Love.

comments (10)

  1. Bridget /// 04.10.2012 /// 8:03am

    Can’t resist throwing in a plug for his book: http://amzn.to/IgdXCv
    which i worked on years ago.
    love from,

  2. the jealous curator /// 04.10.2012 /// 8:19am

    ha! and well you should… it’s a beautiful book! ; )

  3. Hagar /// 04.10.2012 /// 12:39pm

    What would you call when love and jealousy got equally mixed up?…mmm

  4. the jealous curator /// 04.10.2012 /// 1:01pm

    my brain.
    ; )

  5. sharon/theteacupincident /// 04.11.2012 /// 8:59am

    So amusing – I love the fun of the superhero juxtaposed with those old faces and eyes. The original portrait photos are often so pompous and this is a great way to express what they’re “really” thinking.

  6. Hagar /// 04.11.2012 /// 10:01am


  7. The Art Planet » Blog Archive » The Randomness of Tuesday /// 04.24.2012 /// 8:02am

    […] America rendered new old.  From Alex Gross via The Jealous […]

  8. Lisa Zador /// 05.14.2012 /// 1:58pm

    These are just great!

  9. Alex Gross | Diskursdisko /// 09.18.2012 /// 1:13am

    […] The Jealous Curator) Vincent Wilkie hat diesen tollen Beitrag verfasst. In seiner Freizeit ist er Musiker, Webdesigner […]

  10. Junk Drawer: Week of October 11th, 2013 | The-Wonderist /// 10.11.2013 /// 2:04am

    […] If I had kids, I would totally have our family portraits done like this. […]

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