i’m jealous of stefan sagmeister

I’m just back from Alt Summit, but instead of doing a recap post, I have to write about this! Stefan Sagmeister probably needs no introduction, but just in case… he’s an Austrian born, New York based designer. As a designer myself, I’ve admired him for years, and at Alt I got to hear him speak. He talked about the in’s and out’s of happiness – it was fascinating, and to be completely candid, life-changing for me. He, and his “filming accomplice”, David Hillman Curtis {shown with Stefan, above} worked together to make a beautiful film, called The Happy Film. We only got to see 12 minutes of it {it will be shown in film festivals later this year}, but what we saw was amazing! The idea is that “in the course of a year, Sagmeister will experiment with various practices that are widely touted as increasing one’s happiness: meditation, cognitive therapy, and pharmaceuticals.” It was so interesting, touching, inspiring, and don’t even get me started on the typography!

I think that this film is going to be a huge hit, and I truly hope that:

……………………………………… but wait, there’s more ………………………………………..

i’m jealous of stefan sagmeister … part II

So, it’s not quite enough that he’s made this beautiful film, but he has also transformed his happiness research into an interactive art/design exhibition, quite appropriately called The Happy Show. It just left Philadelphia, and is now in Toronto at The Design Exchange {until March 3, 2013}… and I believe LA and Paris are up next. Charts that show happiness when it comes to marital status, free candies {Stefan’s favorites}, gum balls that let you rate your own happiness, and a lovely white stationery bike that reveals an illuminated message as you exercise… all perfectly designed, of course. Have a look:

Brilliant! You know what else is brilliant? This:

Yep! Not even the overly harsh lighting can take away the happiness I felt meeting, talking, and getting a smooch from Stefan Sagmeister!

{The Happy Show credits: CREATIVE DIRECTION: Stefan Sagmeister // ART DIRECTION & DESIGN: Jessica Walsh // DESIGN: Verena Michelitsch, Jordan Amer, Simon Egli, Martin Gnadt}

comments (22)

  1. Cassie /// 01.28.2013 /// 8:31am

    Oh – so jealous of him, too. And jealous of you for that last photo 😉
    He is so brilliant. And badass.

  2. Amy Rowan /// 01.28.2013 /// 8:55am

    Yes! I helped fund this film through Kickstarter! So excited to see it! Or should I say happy? 🙂

  3. Heather from Poppy Haus /// 01.28.2013 /// 9:29am

    I’m so glad you wrote this up. His presentation was really very moving, in the middle of some overwhelming seminars, I suddenly felt very optimistic.

  4. Araya @ Wind and Willow Home /// 01.28.2013 /// 9:32am

    So awesome…all of it! Must see more.
    I def. think Yellow is the happiest color too.

  5. Jessica /// 01.28.2013 /// 9:47am

    I was JUST listening to an interview with him on NPR last week and definitely concur that he is fabulous! I’ve never traveled just to visit an art exhibit before, but I’m strongly considering making the trip to LA for this! Want to join me?? Thanks for sharing. xo

  6. the jealous curator /// 01.28.2013 /// 10:05am

    ooh! very tempting!!!

  7. Audrey - This Little Street /// 01.28.2013 /// 10:47am

    His talk was indeed AMAZING, and I can’t wait for his film to come out either – had chills the entire time he was showing the short version. Wish I had met you at ALT while I was there 🙂 Hugs!

  8. Ana /// 01.28.2013 /// 1:29pm

    Works like no other!

  9. Zia Daugherty /// 01.29.2013 /// 5:51am

    What an ingenious idea! I am married and I am definitely between a 9 and 10 on the happy meter! I find it a bit hilarious that when your children become teenagers your marital happiness plummets. That’s one thing I do NOT look forward too. But we do not have children, so until then I will take my yellow gum-balls from the “10” slot. : ) Great post!

  10. Alexandra /// 01.29.2013 /// 10:52am

    While this may not be a traditional recap, it certainly showed this non-Alt-attending gal what you loved about Alt. I so wish I could have been there, but your piece made me feel like I (almost) was. And I cannot wait to see that film!!!

    Thank you!!

  11. the jealous curator /// 01.29.2013 /// 3:58pm

    thanks alexandra… i thought you guys might get more out of this post, than a bunch of pictures of me in a photo booth! there sure are some great recaps out there though:


  12. Laura Trevey /// 01.30.2013 /// 9:25am

    Completely jealous of the Stefan the Stud – meister!!

  13. the jealous curator /// 01.30.2013 /// 9:32am

    sigh… ditto.

  14. jacqueline | the hourglass files /// 01.30.2013 /// 9:56am

    I am so thrilled that The Happy Show is coming to Chicago at yet to be disclosed time and place. I can’t wait. Stefan Sagmeister’s talk was definitely one of my Alt highlights!

    (Doesn’t hurt that Liz Stanley instagrammed a pic that makes it look like Stefan and I are dancing! http://instagram.com/p/U73AGaCovk/)

  15. jacqueline | the hourglass files /// 01.30.2013 /// 9:56am

    Let’s try that link again: http://instagram.com/p/U73AGaCovk/

  16. the jealous curator /// 01.30.2013 /// 10:03am

    ha! LOVE that photo! : )

  17. Gabriella /// 02.01.2013 /// 11:44am

    Everybody are!

  18. Domenic Bartlett-Roylance /// 02.04.2013 /// 4:24am

    oo! LURV the bicycle art. Same with the naked figures in the elevator.

    XX Domenic


  19. eliza do a lot /// 02.07.2013 /// 9:23am

    hedonics — the science of happiness — as with all emotional states, happiness is fleeting get it while you can & try not to name it or cling to it for happiness needs freedom to roam * jealousy is antagonistic to happiness

  20. the jealous curator /// 02.07.2013 /// 10:46pm

    yes it is.

  21. Friday Time! | The Purplest House /// 02.08.2013 /// 9:04pm

    […] this one is coming to my hood […]

  22. Alt SLC Recap Links – altasummit-production.mystagingwebsite.com at Pressable /// 08.07.2019 /// 7:24am

    […] I am jealous of Stefan Sagmeister […]

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