anna see

Ooooh, shoes! These beauties are the work of Las Vegas based printmaker Anna See. I found them when I was “buying art for Carrie Bradshaw” as part of a new series I’m doing over on SF Girl By Bay, and just had to show them over here too. Granted, the Chanel flats are the only pair I could actually walk in without twisting an ankle, but I could definitely hang every single pair with no trouble at all! ♥

comments (5)

  1. Lauren Ashley /// 12.30.2013 /// 10:48am

    These are so lovely – how pretty would they be in a young ladies room as well?

  2. the jealous curator /// 12.30.2013 /// 12:03pm


  3. andreavytlacilova /// 12.30.2013 /// 2:26pm

    Beautiful illustrations! 🙂 Thanks for the tip!


  4. margy /// 12.30.2013 /// 4:27pm

    this brings back a lot of happy memories. my very first job out of college was building window displays, and later creating all the advertising and signage, for a chain of upscale shoe stores. one ironclad rule (which i broke frequently, to the dismay of my boss): never show the instep, always show the outer part of the shoe. 🙂 i love these.

  5. Ms Brightside /// 12.31.2013 /// 12:50am

    They are veery cute, good combination of arts and fashion!

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