aaron skolnick

Now that is a lot of Jackie O. … and I love it! American artist Aaron Skolnick clearly has a thing for the former first lady and has used paint, mylar, colored pencils, graphite, paper, and thread to show his love. When I asked him “Why Jackie O?”, this was his answer:

I was very interested in the affect of the JFK Assassination and felt that Jackie was the final affect of that moment. I was also interested in her stoic nature and how she held herself together in front of the nation. It became an obsession that I couldn’t quit.

And I’m so glad that he didn’t.

comments (3)

  1. Lauren /// 01.09.2014 /// 8:07am

    Wow – I love these!

  2. Louis Zoellar Bickett /// 01.09.2014 /// 9:39am

    I think Aaron Skolnick is one of the most talented artists I’ve ever met. His work is pure genius–and he has no problem talking about it in a clear and intelligent way. I own nearly 100 of his works and I can say they have enriched my life. HE WILL GO FAR IN THE ART WORLD. It is written all over him and the work.

  3. the jealous curator /// 01.09.2014 /// 10:01am

    i agree! (and i’m totally jealous that you have so much of his work!)

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