chris turnham

Ah, my favorite… houses! I love these colorful, fun, retro-looking prints by LA based artist/illustrator Chris Turnham. I also really love that my friend Melinda {curator at Good Eye Gallery} sent these three prints to me as a little gifty that arrived late last week. I would absolutely live in any of these beauties… although that A-frame is sort of screaming my name. Ok, off to the frame shop to give these homes a home!

ps. A quick pop over to his site and I found even more buildings to be smitten with:

Yep. More love.

comments (8)

  1. Mary Gaspar /// 02.17.2014 /// 10:12am

    Gah! This makes me miss LA even more-Love! Ok, so you must have the most spectacular gallery walls EVER in your house…I mean….seriously.

  2. danielle (aka the jealous curator) /// 02.17.2014 /// 11:28am

    I KNOW!!! this made me miss LA too, and you’re right… my walls are really starting to ROCK! (so thrilled, and blessed, to have so much amazing stuff by so many amazing people!)

  3. Suhita Shirodkar /// 02.18.2014 /// 12:40pm

    Love these, I’m getting me some prints!

  4. Aaron Bleesdale /// 02.19.2014 /// 6:44am

    Great work!
    I really like this guys work too

  5. the jealous curator /// 02.19.2014 /// 8:04am

    oh yeah! those are great!

  6. Pattern Pulp - Friday Quick Links! /// 02.21.2014 /// 2:02pm

    […] Fabulously repurposed bike parts via Colossal 2. House prints by Chris Turnham via The Jealous Curator 3. Get weaving via Etsy 4. Tickled by these lady planters via Miss Moss 5. A peak inside the family […]

  7. Katherine /// 02.24.2014 /// 4:07pm

    I’ve shared printmaking studio space with Chris! He’s a great guy and an amazing artist! So happy to see him featured on your blog 🙂

  8. the jealous curator /// 02.24.2014 /// 6:42pm

    on my site, and on my wall! i’m the proud owner of three of those prints… yahoo!!!

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