pip & pop


Oh, thank goodness… she’s still at it! I wrote about Australian artist Tanya Schultz, aka Pip & Pop, waaaay back in 2010, so I was thrilled to see that she’s still creating her magical, sugary, glittery, rainbow-filled worlds! I would love to spend an afternoon in the middle of this insane dream. So many colors. So many special details… pastel sugar lakes, shiny little beads, weird plastic flowers, and that pink polka-dot horse. Yep, I’m gonna need that pink polka-dot horse.

comments (4)

  1. Tristesse Seeliger /// 05.15.2015 /// 7:26am

    This reminds me of Charlie and The Chocolate Factory Tim Burton style — over the top!

  2. Elissa S Nesheim /// 05.15.2015 /// 10:48am

    magical! i love these… especially because they are so big! what a lovely place to play…

  3. tijana /// 05.17.2015 /// 6:31pm

    oh em gee sooooo dope

  4. Pattern Pulp - Friday Quick Links! /// 05.22.2015 /// 2:00pm

    […] in Detroit is covered in flowers via My Modern Met 7. Pip & Pop’s sugar crafted world via The Jealous Curator 8.  Zemer Peled creates her sculptures from ceramic shards via Honestly WTF 9. Lovely new […]


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