rose currie {and a give away}

Thank you so much to everyone that entered this lovely / potty-mouthed giveaway! I love that it drew attention to the fight against cancer… if you know someone fighting now, just give them a hug {so much better them telling them to cheer up or calm down!}. Ok, so the winner of the pink 13″x19″ CALM THE F*CK DOWN” print is… TESS DILLENBERGER! Congratulations, I’ll be in touch to get your address. Thanks so much to Rose {aka Rose Lemonade} for fighting the fight, making great art, and doing this giveaway with me xo



Seems fitting for the end of the week, no? These watercolor paintings are the work of Canadian artist Rose Currie {aka Rose Lemonade}. They are from her “Wallflower” series, and when I first saw them I thought they were hilarious… until Rose told me what they’re actually about. A few years ago Rose came face to face with cancer. She spent over a year in the hospital, away from her family and three small sons. It was a terrible time for her, and her recovery has been very taxing as well. She basically put her whole life, including art, on the back-burner while she concentrated on her fight… thankfully a fight that she seems to be winning. However, when people found out she was going to survive the general response was, “Oh, well then why so down in the dumps? You should cheer up!”  No energy, her life upside down, years lost… yes she was grateful that she’d gotten through the worst of it, but was apparently not in the mood to “cheer the fuck up”. I’m happy to report that she’s feeling much better, and in the process we got these fantastic paintings!

In fact, one of you will get an 13″x19″ print to help you “CALM THE FUCK DOWN”. Yep, I have that very direct message made of pink blossoms to give away! Leave a comment below and I’ll draw one name on Monday May 23rd at noon PST. If you can’t wait that long, you can also buy these very affordable prints from Rose’s shop.

comments (142)

  1. Ben Z Cooper /// 05.20.2016 /// 3:07am

    I love these. They beautifully capture the duality of these phrases.

  2. Charlotte /// 05.20.2016 /// 3:28am

    I am now calm as fuck.

  3. Rebecca /// 05.20.2016 /// 4:19am

    This is perfect for me!!

  4. Mary /// 05.20.2016 /// 5:05am

    These prints are fantastic!

  5. Mary Anne /// 05.20.2016 /// 5:32am

    These are awesome….and kudos to her for battling hard and beating the beast that cancer is.

  6. Emily /// 05.20.2016 /// 5:32am

    I re-read the first one three times to make sure it read “Cher the fuck up,” because today is Cher’s 70th birthday. When I didn’t see anything about that in your description I went back a fourth time… and it had changed to “Cheer”! hahaha

    I love these. I hereby enter to win =)

  7. Christine Plantenga /// 05.20.2016 /// 6:15am

    I love these and the backstory makes them even better. Please draw my name. Thank you.

  8. Joanne /// 05.20.2016 /// 7:10am


  9. Mia /// 05.20.2016 /// 7:16am

    These paintings are wonderful! I totally get it when you’re not feeling good and people are trying to cheer you up. Bravo to her for beating cancer! Please entry my name into the drawing. Thank you!

  10. Ana /// 05.20.2016 /// 7:36am

    What Joanne said.

  11. Michelle /// 05.20.2016 /// 7:50am

    I am currently going through a neverending job search and need this print! Love!

  12. Danae /// 05.20.2016 /// 8:24am

    Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this. What a perfect response!!

  13. Priya Patel /// 05.20.2016 /// 8:53am

    These prints are cheering me the f up on a Friday! Thank you for hosting a lovely giveaway.

  14. Gloria /// 05.20.2016 /// 8:54am


  15. Brooke E. /// 05.20.2016 /// 8:56am

    Definetely appropriate for friday! #Friyay 🙂

  16. Sonra /// 05.20.2016 /// 8:56am

    I am in sales and speak to at least 25-45 people a day. A lot of times, you get more info than you bargained for and are left wondering how to handle it in order to help the customer. These paintings remind me of what I say to my customers when they tell me they are getting a divorce. I always tell them Congrats and i’m sorry for your loss b/c having been there, divorce is truly a double sided issue. On one side, it’s a rebirth for someone and on the other you basically are stripping off all of your skin and taking a dip in a tub of alchohol while seemingly everyone is watching.

  17. Emily Smith /// 05.20.2016 /// 8:58am

    Beautiful words!

  18. Ross /// 05.20.2016 /// 8:58am

    This is fantastic

  19. Carrie /// 05.20.2016 /// 8:59am


  20. Niki /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:06am

    These are really (fucking) fabulous. And what an interesting story behind the artwork!

  21. Carey /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:13am

    Ymmmm-yes in big fucking letters. So good.

  22. Julia /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:17am

    So lovely!

  23. Cait /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:17am

    Love these!!! Need this for my cube at work 🙂

  24. Emily /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:18am

    Thank you for making these available!! So great, especially given the backstory!

  25. Paul Melo /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:18am

    Calming the fuck down.

  26. Sara /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:18am

    Love these!

  27. Allison /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:20am

    these are so wonderful

  28. Meggi Mah /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:21am

    Speaks to my heart <3

  29. Susan Mulder /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:21am

    These are frigging brilliant!

  30. Amberleigh /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:22am

    I love these so hard!

  31. Johanna B. /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:24am

    Love them!

  32. Monica perez vega /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:24am

    Brilliant. Beautiful story and a great message. I hear these phrases a lot in my house and in my head. Love it.

  33. EAH /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:25am

    I think these serve as a great reminder to us all. Well done!

  34. Holly /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:25am

    These are so amazing! I love to find new Canadian artists to follow Danielle, thanks for sharing.
    Happy Long Weekend!!

  35. Bekah Schweiger /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:28am

    I cannot think of a better print for my entry way. What a great reminder whether you are coming or going! 🙂

  36. sarah lela /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:28am

    i’m such a huge fan of her work, and of your blog as well! thank you so much for always bringing incredible artists into my life and sharing your lively collage work with us!

  37. Rendell Hourigan /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:28am

    This is an excellent phrase…one that I would like to say more often,but don’t.
    Great giveaway!

  38. Christine Barkey /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:29am

    My first reaction was also to laugh out loud. I would love one for my wall

  39. Hilda /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:30am

    One would be great!

  40. Yesenia Ramirez /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:32am

    How great would this be in a cancer center clinic? Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  41. Rania Watts /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:32am

    ooh! pretty & functional!

  42. Haley /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:32am

    Love these! I really do need to calm the fuck down. And pink is my favorite color.

  43. Tess Dillenberger /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:33am

    Yes, please. I would love to win, so I could give the artwork to my youngest sister, who is currently battling ovarian cancer.She is approaching it with grace, humility and great strength.I think she will win.

  44. Kat Canterbury /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:36am

    This is exactly what I needed to see today!!

  45. Lily /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:36am

    I love these!!

  46. brandi clark /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:37am

    fuck cancer!!

  47. Kate /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:39am

    I adore these. Thank you for sharing 🙂

  48. Noa osterreicher /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:42am

    Oh my god, this is so great

  49. Kirsten Francis /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:45am

    Thank you for profiling Rose Currie’s work. It has got me thinking… and feeling.

  50. Ashley /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:45am

    These paintings are wonderful, and although the story is heart wrenching it’s adds great context to the work.
    LOVE them & wish Rose a healthy road ahead.

    Ash xo

  51. Alyssa Mori /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:49am

    these are fantastic. My mother was recently diagnosed with very similar circumstances. Very curable but still very taxing. These are brilliant.

    Always love your eye and your aesthetic, so many things I have started collecting because of you! Okay and I know this is also sucking up but I do love your podcasts. I encourage so many of my curatorial friends to listen.

  52. Dorthea Atwater /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:51am

    These are perfect! I love them!

  53. Sarah Day-Short /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:57am

    This is amazing! Love the femininity juxtaposed with the word fuck. Can’t get enough!

  54. Morganne Radziewicz /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:57am

    Beautiful! Love these.

  55. Sullivan /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:58am

    These are wonderful!

  56. Jamie /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:04am

    I swear I’m trying to calm the fuck down…

  57. Amaris Prechtel /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:09am

    Just graduated college last Saturday, and need a reminder to Calm the Fuck Down – as well as some art for my new place!

  58. Kerry /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:09am

    I have a “Calm the fuck down” print from another Canadian artist, Justine Ma. I might have to double it’s power!

  59. Lori /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:10am

    these are great!

  60. Scott /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:15am

    Not only does the message hit the nail on the head, the art and prints are gorgeous 🙂

  61. yari /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:16am


  62. Chloe /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:19am

    <3 Love them <3

  63. Bonnie /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:19am

    Just so great – and a wonderful story.

  64. MB /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:22am

    These are right up my alley! The use of florals creates a wonderful juxtaposition with the sayings.

  65. Denise Solaris Ortega /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:23am

    IG username: notsolaris

  66. Acey Neel /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:34am

    I would love this as a constant reminder to CALM THE FUCK DOWN. Thanks for the chance!

  67. CHRISTINE M STOLL /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:40am


  68. linda Dunn /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:43am

    Had a mastectomy myself, for a situation that now they say might not have required one. So Cheer the F* up indeed. More power to you and this talented artist.

  69. Barbara McCarthy /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:43am

    Also fighting illness now. Would love this print<3

  70. Margy Lipp /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:48am

    I need this for my husband who has Parkinson’s Disease and biweekly threatens to move out of our house, as I don’t follow the house rules well enough (he may be right). And I have an absolute passion for pink! Love the design and blessings on you for the generous offer. I send entreaties to the sky for the continued good health of the artist.
    May rose petals fall gently upon you. Margy

  71. Wandy Cheng /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:49am

    Wonderful prints wonderful story behind.

  72. Janet /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:51am

    I could use such a pretty reminder.

  73. Barb Shadomy /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:54am

    When I had breast cancer and treatment in 2012 I always KNEW that I would be fine – but all my friends and family worried so much about me. I wish I’d had this to share with them back then!
    Hope I win, my partner won’t be relieved until I get through year 5 cancer free 🙂

  74. Ella Shoup /// 05.20.2016 /// 11:05am

    My 21st birthday is on Monday and everyone around me is entering adulthood. All I want to tell them is “CALM THE FUCK DOWN”! Plus it will serve as a wonderful reminder as my college career comes to a close. I love these prints!

  75. B /// 05.20.2016 /// 11:13am

    ohh I would love to add one of these to my inspiration wall!!

  76. Kelly V /// 05.20.2016 /// 11:21am

    I needed to read this today, perfection.

  77. Lauren /// 05.20.2016 /// 11:25am

    Love it! It’s ladylike with swearing… My very favorite juxtaposition!

  78. Sarah F. /// 05.20.2016 /// 11:28am

    Love these…could definitely use a reminder….it’s been a stressful summer!

  79. Kassie /// 05.20.2016 /// 11:29am

    I love these! Hilarious, funny, & heartfelt. I’ll take em all!!!

  80. Rosie /// 05.20.2016 /// 11:29am

    From one Rose to another… Amazing.

  81. Emily /// 05.20.2016 /// 11:35am

    A little edgier than what I normally put on the wall but I love them and definitely need to hear it!

  82. Brittany Fahres /// 05.20.2016 /// 11:44am

    AMAZING prints! I have now calmed the fuck down. 😉

  83. Rubydou /// 05.20.2016 /// 12:02pm

    Fucking fantastic ! (And pretty in pink!) I got the spot all picked out for
    It! Pick ME!

  84. Wendi Furman /// 05.20.2016 /// 12:14pm

    How wonderfully perfect for my life RIGHT THIS MINUTE! (See, I NEED to calm down.)

  85. Eileen Manes /// 05.20.2016 /// 12:14pm

    Love. Love. Love. Just gotta figure out where to hang them as the kiddo learns to read… 😉

  86. jennifer rapuano /// 05.20.2016 /// 12:21pm

    Pick Me! Love this

  87. Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land /// 05.20.2016 /// 12:33pm

    What a bad ass amazing woman. I love these prints!

  88. Niniane /// 05.20.2016 /// 12:49pm


  89. Dorothy Siemens /// 05.20.2016 /// 12:50pm

    Oh, yes, I could use one of these right about now. Pick me! 🙂

  90. Paige Lyons /// 05.20.2016 /// 12:58pm

    Definitely need this as a soon to be graduate and currently stressing out ! There brilliant ! ❤️

  91. Crystal Anne Latimer /// 05.20.2016 /// 12:59pm

    Fucking fabulous. Would love on my studio wall<3<3<3
    Keep kicking ass, I love my daily dose of JC and weekly doses of AFYE. Art every day keeps the crazies away, right?


  92. Cheryl Hansen /// 05.20.2016 /// 1:00pm

    If I win I will give it to my friend who is going through chemo for breast cancer now. I thought they were hilarious too – until I read about her struggle. When people don’t know what to say they should remain silent. : )

  93. Marisa /// 05.20.2016 /// 1:01pm

    As a teacher with two more days of the school year left, those words have been in my head quite often lately—luckily, that’s where they have stayed!

  94. Megan /// 05.20.2016 /// 1:50pm

    These are fantastic and even more motivational knowing the artists story. Fingers crossed for the giveaway. Thank you!

  95. Laura /// 05.20.2016 /// 1:53pm

    so amazing and perfectly me!

  96. Donna /// 05.20.2016 /// 2:05pm

    I love these. Rose is such a talented artist. Wishing her well in all aspects of her life.

  97. Anna Rolin /// 05.20.2016 /// 2:13pm

    I love these! I’d love to be able to hang one of her pieces in my office but…..

  98. Mary Bate /// 05.20.2016 /// 2:18pm

    Absolutely fabulous!

  99. Kelley Pound /// 05.20.2016 /// 2:26pm


  100. Cecile /// 05.20.2016 /// 2:46pm

    Just what I needed…

  101. Samantha Roberts /// 05.20.2016 /// 3:11pm

    Love these- a great print to put in the back of the door to see before heading out into the world!

  102. Christopher /// 05.20.2016 /// 3:11pm

    This is brilliant. Need reminders like this for myself. 🙂

  103. Cat /// 05.20.2016 /// 3:48pm

    Being told to cheer up is my least favorite thing. This work speaks to me.

  104. Paul Thorburn /// 05.20.2016 /// 4:09pm

    She was my first crush back in Kindergarten and I was sure we would get married. Well, we went to different schools after that, so it obviously didn’t happen, but I’d be thrilled to have one of her prints!

  105. katherine /// 05.20.2016 /// 4:29pm

    Love these, love the story!

  106. Allison /// 05.20.2016 /// 5:39pm

    These are the exact thing I needed durring my difficult time. Getting some to give to friends when they struggle!

  107. Lori /// 05.20.2016 /// 6:03pm

    Well, I for one, sure need to calm the fuck down. These are perfect!

  108. Rebecca M. /// 05.20.2016 /// 8:05pm



  109. Janel /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:04pm

    Whether I win one or pay for one, I’ll be gifting one of these to my mom who recently kicked cancer’s ass. Awesome pieces.

  110. Stefanie Coronado /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:48pm

    My dad has always said women shouldn’t cuss cause it makes them look ugly and vulgar. This are beautiful and illustrtae how I actually look and feel when I use “bad words” .

  111. Rose Lemonade /// 05.20.2016 /// 9:58pm

    Thank you for all the lovely comments and for sharing your stories. It means the world to me when people connect with my work. It means even more when my art can help heal people with humour, visuals and understanding. Everyone has something in their lives. We all have a reason to “Cheer the Fuck up” when really, we hurt inside. These prints were made for you. ♡ Much love to you and Cheers!

  112. Rose Lemonade /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:05pm

    I should have mentioned, I am Rose Currie 🙂 I also go by Rose Lemonade.

  113. Catherine /// 05.20.2016 /// 10:19pm

    love love love!! definitely my style

  114. Terhi Tolvanen /// 05.21.2016 /// 12:01am

    Beautiful story. Beautiful work. Makes me smile and I can see immediately how it makes one feel better on a day when things are not smooth……!

  115. Kevin /// 05.21.2016 /// 1:20am

    These are absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for teaching me about another great artist!

  116. Cindy /// 05.21.2016 /// 5:13am

    I love these!! Funny and pretty! ♥

  117. Heidi Johnson /// 05.21.2016 /// 6:30am

    these are amazing as is this weeks roundup of art! so generous and I can’t wait to take my walk and listen to this weeks podcast – thanks 🙂

  118. Lorrie /// 05.21.2016 /// 7:27am

    Love that you share an amazing variety of art. I can relate: Calm down already!!!

  119. Maryann Didriksen /// 05.21.2016 /// 7:44am

    I enjoy your site so much and love this work. Heading to my studio now for coffee and some art for my ears.

  120. Sára J. Molčan /// 05.21.2016 /// 8:53am

    These are stunning. The story that came along with them was both sad and beautiful. It’s amazing how we can turn pain into art.

  121. Ocean Aiello /// 05.21.2016 /// 9:07am

    If only these could be posted in every space, ever.

  122. Jason Hadley /// 05.21.2016 /// 9:19am

    These made me fucking smile.

  123. Madeline /// 05.21.2016 /// 10:11am

    LOVE these! In fact, I think that one would be the perfect addition to my new office.

  124. Jody Elliott /// 05.21.2016 /// 11:33am

    These are truly wonderful and a great reminder ;).

  125. Alison Keenan /// 05.21.2016 /// 11:37am

    Great visual and subversive message. Would look at home in my studio!

  126. Lee Solock /// 05.21.2016 /// 5:40pm

    Love these…..the delicate-ness of the botanical paintings and the “slap you upside the head”ness of the text is brilliant.

  127. Brandi Baldwin /// 05.21.2016 /// 6:53pm

    Heaven. And the back story makes these that much better

  128. Nicola /// 05.21.2016 /// 7:35pm

    Beautiful, gives me hope.

  129. Sophie /// 05.22.2016 /// 5:47am

    I love the story behind it as much as I love the pieces themselves!

  130. Jeanius /// 05.22.2016 /// 6:28am

    Remarkably calming

  131. Carla /// 05.22.2016 /// 7:51am

    That quote has some serious power! 😉
    Love it!

  132. Blue Eyed Night Owl /// 05.22.2016 /// 10:04am

    These are awesome! I always love when the dainty and the bad-ass collide.

  133. roza /// 05.22.2016 /// 11:05am

    Love the Jealous Curator podcasts! I’m so glad I discovered them. I eagerly await a new one on a Saturday!!

  134. Linda Ursin /// 05.22.2016 /// 1:41pm

    It’s very interesting to hear the story behind the artwork. So many people never get to hear that. I’m sorry she had to go through that though

  135. susan freedman /// 05.22.2016 /// 6:35pm

    these are really great for any occasion!
    i love your podcasts and your new work is fabulous and hilarious. keep
    up the great work!

  136. Kathryn Murray /// 05.22.2016 /// 7:28pm

    Love this! Need it for the wall in my office to look at on a daily basis – hopefully the boss wouldn’t mind 😉

  137. aginster /// 05.22.2016 /// 8:25pm

    Fun! Love ’em!

  138. Pauline /// 05.22.2016 /// 10:54pm

    Saw these on Tumblr and fell instantly in love. Even more so, now I know the story. Would love to give this to a friend who is an artist herself and fighting cancer herself.

  139. Naomi Vona /// 05.23.2016 /// 9:28am

    I hope to be still in time for participate to this! I simply love her calligraphic surges 🙂

  140. Keira /// 05.23.2016 /// 9:57am

    These are perfect. I’ve always wanted some insanely pretty curse words on my wall, basically my exact personality, gah!

  141. judith /// 05.24.2016 /// 12:46pm

    i’d love this!

  142. Flowery Prints Send NSFW Messages in the Most Cheery Way /// 06.02.2016 /// 11:36am

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