kyra schmidt


Ah, dreamy. This series, titled “Transcriptions”, is the work of American photographer Kyra Schmidt. I would love to be wandering through the forest, and turn a corner to find pink, nude, and lavender screens floating magically in the air. Ok, that will probably never happen, so I’ll just breathe deeply and look at these pieces. Here are Kyra’s words about this project:

“I collaborate with each environment using sun, rain, and other natural elements to produce views that are outside of our perception, only made visual through camera-less photographic recording processes. These prints are then superimposed with images of the landscapes within which they were created as a way to ground each piece within its origin. The digital “installations” of analogue processes serves as a way to explore how technology aids us in our navigation of the everyday and affects our physical and psychological perception of the world around us.”

Happy Monday.

comments (6)

  1. Lesley Frenz /// 06.13.2016 /// 10:27am

    Oh my, these are magical!!

  2. ESTHER Davison /// 06.13.2016 /// 6:41pm

    This is gorgeous! I’m curious, how do you find the artists that you blog about?

  3. the jealous curator /// 06.13.2016 /// 8:18pm

    hi esther – all sorts of ways really – submissions get sent to me, and i spend lots and lots of time online looking (pinterest is a great place to start and then it’s a bit of a rabbit hole from there!)

  4. Pattern Pulp - Friday Quick Links! /// 06.17.2016 /// 2:00pm

    […] Kyra Schmidt’s beautifully peaceful “Transcriptions” series via The Jealous Curator 2. Heath Ceramics explores the world of wallpaper via design-milk 3. DIY embroidered art via […]

  5. Justin halbert /// 06.18.2016 /// 9:19am

    This is gorgeous! Thanks for the inspiration

  6. Jenna Michelle Pink /// 06.20.2016 /// 2:57pm

    Oh I am in love with these

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