mike ryczek


Quiet, beautiful, mundane, everyday-ness… that makes my heart skip a beat. This is the work {oil on masonite} of American painter Mike Ryczek. Sigh. Perfect for a Monday.

comments (5)

  1. Carla /// 06.22.2016 /// 4:07am

    I love this work! It has sharp lines but is soft at the same time. Beautiful painting style!

  2. Farren CapeTown /// 06.25.2016 /// 12:27pm

    Reminds me of a masculine Chelsea James, adore.

  3. Crystal Foth /// 07.02.2016 /// 3:01pm

    What a lovely style of painting – I love these!

  4. maggieblue /// 07.18.2016 /// 5:38pm

    I llove the chair painting, but would like it better if it were alone – you know what I mean?

  5. the jealous curator /// 07.18.2016 /// 5:58pm

    noooo! i love that little cameo head!

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