“magical portals & secret painting parties”


Oh, so many mysterious landscapes, strange little girls, and what I can only assume to be a lot of empty tubes of black paint! I’m talking to Vancouver based painter Rebecca Chaperon today, and as usual, I have lots of questions. Warning: We had some major technical difficulties getting this episode recorded, but we did it! There is the occasional wifi glitch, so just ignore those, ok? Thanks! You can listen right up there under Rebecca in her studio, or you can subscribe on iTunes.

Let’s start with the first series of Rebecca’s that I ever saw… “Like a Great Black Fire”:


Gorgeous! And surprising to learn that she didn’t actually use that much black paint. Speaking of which, we talked about the dramatic swing she took with her color palette – from dark/moody to pastel/sweet. Her work still looked like her work, but the colors were flipped. Here’s a little visual evolution:


Ahh! I love it all, but if you follow me, you’ll know that I have a soft spot for pink. That final piece – “Lady of the Pink Lake” – yeah, I am completely and totally in love with that! It’s a perfect blend of all of her work… ice, landscapes, portals, weird little girls. Love it.

Other things I love from Rebecca’s portfolio? These amazing crystals, ie. her “Tesseract” series:


Oh my goodness… it’s like her flat portals have found a whole new candy-hued dimension! And onto more pastel gems from here. Rebecca’s mini iceberg series:


I’ve loved these for years, but had no idea the lovely story behind them {hence the reason I’m addicted to doing this podcast!}. 

So, from paintings of icebergs and crystals to this beautiful/creepy book, titled “Eerie Dearies”


Ha! So great! An A to Z book that gives you “26 Ways To Miss School”. Edward Gorey would be proud!

Oh, and I was very excited to find out more about this. Secret painting parties? YES!!!


Crystals, moons, ladies and paint… sounds like a perfect evening to me. If you’re interested in finding out how to get yourself into one of these secret painting parties, click this secret link.

And finally, Rebecca’s black bob that I love oh so much:


So chic … well, except for the spiders. Thank you so much to Rebecca for doing this – and bearing with me during our technical difficulties – thanks to Saatchi Art for supporting yet another episode, and big thanks to you for listening! There will be more art for your ear next weekend.

Other Links:

  1. Emily Carr University of Art & Design
  2. Opus Art Supplies
  3. Grunt Gallery
  4. Little Mountain Gallery
  5. Richmond Art Gallery
  6. Vancouver Art Gallery
  7. Dandelion Emporium
  8. Pecha Kucha (Vancouver) & Rebecca’s talk


comments (8)

  1. Debbie /// 07.16.2016 /// 9:15pm

    Absolutely love her work! Her little ladies are amazing!

  2. Ana /// 07.17.2016 /// 6:05am

    Those unseen faces are strong in both their creepiness and beauty.

  3. Jay /// 07.18.2016 /// 6:14pm

    The pastel paintings remind me of an Adventure Time wonderland haha, I’d love to visit. Beautiful pieces!

  4. Rebecca /// 07.30.2016 /// 8:29am

    This was such a fun interview to do – thanks so much Danielle : )

  5. Jeroen Carelse | Parody in Black – about inspiration /// 09.06.2016 /// 4:27am

    […] a couple of days ago I listened to my favorite podcast “The curious curator” where Danielle Krysa interviewed Rebecca Chaperon. In the conversation Danielle mentioned […]

  6. Berta /// 04.07.2017 /// 11:14am

    Catching up on podcast episodes. Loved hearing her story behind the icebergs in her paintings. Lovely tribute to her dad and uncle. Her work is magical.

  7. Susy /// 07.19.2017 /// 3:41pm

    Just listened to this interview again and then happily discovered Rebecca has a show opening here in Toronto tomorrow night….and it’s up the street! Serendipity! I just loveeee her work

  8. the jealous curator /// 07.19.2017 /// 4:04pm

    wow! so exciting! her work is even more fantastic in person : ) have fun!


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