joe yorty


My first thought was, ‘this must be digital’. Nope… vintage wallpaper and vinyl contact paper on cotton rag. What? Yep. My second thought was, ‘I’d be covered from head to toe in sticky contact paper if I tried this.’  Well somehow San Diego based artist Joe Yorty does it, and I love it all! There’s a vintage IKEA-esque feel to those chunks of unassembled furniture, which makes a lot of sense when you find out that his work “largely addresses the anxieties and absurdities of American domestic culture.” #allenwrenchanxiety

{Some of his work is available on Little Paper Planes}

comments (2)

  1. Brooks Salzwedel /// 08.29.2016 /// 8:11pm

    Really diggin’ these !

  2. the jealous curator /// 08.30.2016 /// 7:02am

    me too!

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