josh huxham

Oh. I have a physical reaction to this series by UK based artist Josh Huxham. In particular, the image of the pilot and the plane. My grandfather was a pilot in WW II, and in his later years his memory started to fail … unless you asked him about flying and then he could tell you everything! So many detailed stories about training, and friends, and meeting my grandmother on a weekend leave at the beach. These quiet yet powerful images feel like identities, lost stories, and memories all rolled into one beautiful photograph. Here are Josh’s words on this graduate project {yes, he’s only just recently graduated from the Plymouth College of Art}, titled “Silence” …

‘Silence’ explores the re-construction of the family photograph. By using various techniques to re-print, re-age and re-construct previously scanned photographs from his family archive, Josh’s work aims to connect with those closest to him through visual language. By constructing these surreal handmade photographs, Josh’s inner thoughts and emotions towards a family space he feels lost within are passed on to the viewer. Exploring this media continues to allow Josh to be vocal through the visual.

Beautiful. And now I miss my grandparents more than usual.

comments (6)

  1. Ana /// 09.25.2017 /// 5:20am

    On one of the blogs bu one of my favourite art bloggers (Thombeau) there was a commenter that said he was afraid, as in “showing physical signs of fear”, whenever he saw face without eyes and mouths.
    I get it, especially with this series. It’s not necessarily fear for me, but it’s an unease… but a good one, if it makes sense.


  2. marc cardwell /// 09.25.2017 /// 6:20am

    these are stunning.

  3. Jessica /// 09.27.2017 /// 1:24am

    Ahhh these are stunning!!!

  4. Stephen Sugarmam /// 09.30.2017 /// 1:36pm

    Josh Love this series works – I spend a lot of to time thinking and reflecting on generatational life. Your alerts us and reminds us that there are Whole generations of people who have had completely different histories from you and I. That’s not to say that our mothers our grandfathers were unaware of cultural change and adapting to our modernism- but there formative years cane out of a vastley different world- my dad served in the RCA and my mom was an ambulance driver for the Red Cross during the 2nd world war – theses images really evoke memories my parents shared from their youth.

  5. Emily Hakin /// 01.15.2018 /// 6:22am

    I study with Josh, I was actually searching for the origins of a photograph I saw of what looks like a family tree, old photographs that have been stitched together when I came across your discovery of Josh’s work. What a small, amazing world!

    Please can you tell me who this artist was! I am archiving family and looking at its ties through drawing, any artists or exhibitions you can think of and point me towards would be greatly appreciated! I am studying an MA also.

    Thank you!


  6. the jealous curator /// 01.15.2018 /// 7:00am

    hey emily! my guess is lisa kokin … have a look at this and let me know:

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