ravi zupa & arna miller

How much do I love these drunk cats on matchboxes? [   T H I S  M U C H  ! ! !  ] These hilarious little block prints are a collaboration between Ravi Zupa & Arna Miller. Some of them are showing at Arna’s current show at Abstract Denver. You can also buy them online right here or here. Happy Friday!

comments (3)

  1. Strike your fancy, Ravi Zupa & Arna Miller (because) – This isn't happiness /// 06.08.2018 /// 1:56am

    […] Strike your fancy, Ravi Zupa & Arna Miller (because) […]

  2. Wren /// 06.08.2018 /// 7:32am

    These make me want to cry I love them SO much. Oh god.

  3. Shelley Alvarez /// 06.09.2018 /// 6:08pm

    What exactly are block prints? I love these matchbox cats!!!

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