cindy rizza

Sigh. Are you thinking about your grandmother right now? Me too. Oh, so many feelings, memories, smells … and these aren’t even my blankets! That is the magic of nostalgia, and when you combine beautifully boring subject matter with the insane oil painting skills of New Hampshire based artist Cindy Rizza, well, here we are. I wrote about Cindy six years ago, so I’m thrilled that I was recently pointed her way again. Here are Cindy’s words about her work:

“My work quietly examines familiar domestic comforts and the objects that we use to feel secure. In examining the unique identities of heirloom textiles and childhood nostalgia my work summons conflicting feelings of comfort and loneliness, hope and foreboding, and of life and loss. I aim to expose the contradictions within the subjects – to honor the comfort and love they bore, but unfold the truths of what we are fearful of in the darkness.


comments (12)

  1. Bradford /// 04.18.2019 /// 6:30am

    Sigh… is right. Based upon her own words about her work I would say, “Mission accomplished.” I see everything she talks about in each of these pieces. And her sense of light? Amazing! Love.

  2. the jealous curator /// 04.18.2019 /// 6:43am

    yes! that light. sigh (again)

  3. Kim Nelson /// 04.18.2019 /// 7:37am

    Wow. Just wow.
    Ever a fan of domesticity and family life, I am drawn to the layered meaning and emotion in these pieces. The technical perfection intimately dances with the subject matter. lovelovelove.

  4. Stockpile, Cindy Rizza – This isn't happiness /// 04.18.2019 /// 7:41am

    […] Stockpile, Cindy Rizza […]

  5. Jen /// 04.18.2019 /// 6:12pm

    These are so beautiful!

  6. Hazel Monte /// 04.18.2019 /// 10:00pm

    Oh…these make me miss my zigzag afghan crocheting Grandma Blanche.

  7. the jealous curator /// 04.19.2019 /// 6:34am

    my grandmother’s name was blanche too!

  8. Hazel Monte /// 04.19.2019 /// 6:24pm

    Such a great name. Did yours raffle off her afghans to the old timers where she was a bartender, too?

  9. the jealous curator /// 04.19.2019 /// 9:33pm

    ha! avon lady 😉

  10. Amy Tingle /// 04.20.2019 /// 5:11am

    Suddenly I want to play Bingo and then stop for the early-bird special at the Family Diner. . . .

  11. the jealous curator /// 04.20.2019 /// 6:17am

    i’ll meet you there! 😉

  12. Ann /// 04.25.2019 /// 7:34am

    I really love these. I have a wool blanket from Northern Ireland made by my ancestors and a crocheted colorful blanket from my Italian great grandmother. I didn’t use them for years thinking they were not aesthetically pleasing, but the last two winters I’ve been using them. They are so warm and I feel covered with love.

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