anja niemi

Gasp! “SHE COULD HAVE BEEN A COWBOY” … now I want to be a cowboy! This is the most recent series by photographer Anja Niemi. Beautiful, bizarre, and like stills from a movie that I desperately want to see. I can’t find her artist’s statement about this work, so I’ll just have to let my imagination run like wild horses. ps. What makes this blush ‘n gold / American wild west narrative even more fantastic? Anja is from Oslo, Norway.

ps. This series is currently showing in Los Angeles at Galerie XII until June 22, 2019.

comments (1)

  1. Alissa Sexton /// 05.11.2019 /// 4:55am

    I love this! It’s for all of us who have this visual as a ‘path not taken’.

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