summer mixer : group show

I don’t usually suffer from FOMO, but I definitely wish I could see this show in New York! Summer Mixer, at Joshua Liner Gallery, features the work of some of my favorite artists… from Arno Beck‘s typewriter landscapes, Jen Stark‘s dizzying pieces, the gorgeous abstracts of Kathryn Macnaughton, and Mark Wagner‘s cut up cash to the colorful sculptures of Stephen OrmandyTerri Loewenthal‘s vibrant photographs, and – of course – brand new funny and fantastic text paintings by Wayne White. WHAT? How can I possibly be missing this!? If you, however, happen to be in New York, you don’t have to miss it. Summer Mixer runs until August 23, 2019.

comments (2)

  1. Emma /// 08.06.2019 /// 7:03am

    Oh my gosh! I’m off to look up Kathryn Macnaughton and Terri Loewenthal– such beautiful, amazingly colorful work!

  2. the jealous curator /// 08.07.2019 /// 6:14am

    right?! it’s all so GOOD!

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