“rituals and running away”

Ahhh, an artist in her happy place. I am so excited about today’s interview. As you might notice this episode is going up a day late – then again, you probably have absolutely no idea what day it is anyway, so I’m just gonna pretend this is going up on time! I really wanted to talk to this painter and poet, but she’s been in and out of the hospital. So, earlier this week, when she said she could talk on Saturday morning, I seized the opportunity. Megan Krzmarzick is my guest today. You might know her as @messengerbird on Instagram… that’s how I’ve known her for years, but today I finally got to talk to her about her journey. I had so many questions for Megan, and her answers were a cocktail of inspiration and chills. Listen right up there under Megan in the desert, or subscribe here.

Okay. First up, Megan’s ‘lemons into lemonade’ is a little more dramatic than what most of us have had to face. So, when life gave her cancer {for the second time}, Megan made an art residency for herself. In the hospital:

How inspiring is that!? Yep, I may have posted most of her Instagram feed… but how could I not? Studies drying on the hospital window sill? Working on a large-scale abstract while in the middle of a chemo treatment?! I mean, seriously. I do not have an excuse not to be in my studio right this very second. Dang. She’s amazing.

Speaking of amazing, here is a little peek at her first self-published book of poetry, followed by her latest {which is an e-book}:

Running away. Sigh. I wish she could run away to Italy or Paris right now… and I’d also wish I was going with her!

Finally, Megan was not kidding about the way she tries to feel as normal as possible, which of course is part of her daily ritual for staying positive. Even in the hospital, she gets up, has a shower, puts on makeup and a spritz of perfume… and you’ll notice, there ain’t a hospital gown in sight:

Damn🔥 Take that, cancer. Megan, thank you so much for doing this with me. I wish you light and love and strength and healing… FIGHT! And to all of you, thank you for listening. Also, start a daily creative ritual… even if it’s only 15 minutes a day. There will be more ART FOR YOUR EAR next weekend. ~ Danielle xo

Other links:

  1. Megan on Instagram, aka @messengerbird
  2. Running Away From Home, Vol 2 {download}
  3. Frida {2002 movie}
  4. Great British Baking Show


comments (1)

  1. claire /// 05.03.2020 /// 6:06am

    Beautiful and very inspiring xx

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