elizabeth alexander

Paper. No, seriously … allllll of it is paper. Even the chair, table, etc. I know, it’s a little bit too much for my brain to handle on a Monday morning, but alas, it’s true. This is the installation work of Massachusetts based artist Elizabeth Alexander. Here’s her artist statement to help explain these wonders:

“Cast paper, [she casts paper!?] sculptural collage, and altered objects are my methods for deconstructing domestic vignettes of traditional success and beauty. Long hours of unmaking and rebuilding found materials provide space to record memories and observations as I reexamine supposed truths within the domestic sphere. Repetitive processes become internal centering elements as I work to carefully break down these concepts. 

The ubiquitous notion of the American home as a symbol for status, power, values, and security has led me to examine my own relationship with home and consider its untidy qualities.  Living with and loving others who battle mental illness and chronic pain has complicated my experience with private space. I aim to unearth the human presence within our material surroundings and explore home as a place that is shaped by our stories and bears witness to our secret lives.” 

Beautiful. ps. Elizabeth’s work was recently selected for “Paper Routes – Women to Watch 2020” at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington DC… of course it was! The show runs until the end of January 2021.

comments (4)

  1. elizabeth alexander - fooledbyart /// 12.14.2020 /// 1:34am

    […] Posted bythe jealous curator […]

  2. elizabeth alexander - huntrender /// 12.14.2020 /// 2:18am

    […] Paper. No, seriously … allllll of it is paper. Even the chair, table, etc. I know, it’s a little bit too much for my brain to handle on a Monday morning, but alas, it’s true. This is the installation work of Massachusetts based artist Elizabeth Alexander. Here’s her artist statement to help explain these wonders: Read More […]

  3. Sarah Alexander /// 12.16.2020 /// 9:19pm

    I have to confess, I’m Elizabeth’s mom. We’ve both been a fan of your podcast for a while. Thanks for this. She works really , really, hard. She has had a gift for seeing pattern as long as I can remember.

  4. the jealous curator /// 12.18.2020 /// 7:06am

    ah, that’s amazing! i was going to say ‘you should be very proud of her’, but clearly you’ve got that covered! ; )


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