caitlyn murphy

Sigh. Beautifully boring. I absolutely love work that finds beauty in the everyday. Enter the most recent paintings {gouache on paper} by Toronto based artist Caitlyn Murphy. The plastic bags, all of the detailed fabric patterns, those lovely pink slips of paper… love, love, love! Seriously, transforming a trip into the dry cleaner into, well, this? Clearly I had to write about her again. Yep, I wrote about her beautifully boring cardboard box series way back in 2017. Sigh. Again. Happy Monday. Thank you for your patronage.

comments (2)

  1. Amy Tingle /// 01.02.2021 /// 2:58pm

    Something about these makes me want to cry. In a good way, but still. Tears.

  2. Rachel Enders /// 01.02.2021 /// 7:53pm

    I can hear the hum of the inner workings of the facility and the crinkling of the plastic bags. Beautiful work!

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