“breadcrumbs and allies”

Ahhhh, Andy J. Pizza is back… and just in the nick of time! I’m sure you know about Andy’s inspiring podcast, “Creative Pep Talk”… which was exactly what I needed today! HELP. ME. ANDY. Yep, we’re talking about creative slumps, being in limbo, feeling like a deer in headlights … and then following the breadcrumbs (or chip crumbs) back to our creative paths. Seriously, this was the therapy session I’ve been needing. I hope you get as much out of this episode as I did… you might want to get yourself some pizza-flavored chips to really duplicate the bliss I felt. Listen right up there, or subscribe on Apple Podcasts and/or Spotify.

Now, as I said, this discussion was more like therapy, but Andy and I did manage to talk about some artists that we both love to look at when we’re in a creative slump! Here are my three picks:


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A post shared by Alex Voinea (@alexvoinea_)


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A post shared by Helen Dardik (@helen_dardik)


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A post shared by ipnot (@ipnot)

Allllll of them make me wanna make stuff … and also eat cheese pizza. And, Andy’s three picks in the order he mentioned them: Carson Ellis  / David Shrigley  /  Tarō Gomi:



Wonky and wonderful… just like Andy! Thank you so much to Dr.Pizza for taking the time to counsel me talk to me; thanks to Wireframe for supporting this episode; and of course, BIG thanks to you for listening. There will be more ART FOR YOUR EAR next weekend.

ps. Remember…

Other links:

*Okay, Andy mentioned waaaaay too many books and philosophers for me to keep up with, but here are the few I managed to grab:

  1. Andy’s IG post about feeling stuck
  2. “Whole Brain Living”, Book by Jill Bolte Taylor
  3. “The Artist’s Way”, Book by Julia Cameron
  4. Brian McDonald, “You Are a Storyteller” Podcast
  5. Martha Beck, Author
  6. Alex Voinea, Artist 
  7. Helen Dardik, Artist/Illustrator
  8. Embroidered pizza by @ipnot
  9. Carson Ellis, Artist/Illustrator
  10. David Shrigley, Artist
  11. Tarō Gomi, Author/Illustrator
  12. Wireframe {Podcast}


comments (8)

  1. “breadcrumbs and allies” - fooledbyart /// 06.18.2021 /// 9:28pm

    […] Posted bythe jealous curator […]

  2. Jaclyn Locking /// 06.21.2021 /// 10:56am

    Sigh, this is exactly what I needed to hear! Nice to know I’m not the only one going through the post-covid anxiety/creative slump/wheel spin! Thank you so much for this and all the great little tips 🙂

  3. the jealous curator /// 06.25.2021 /// 6:38pm

    thanks jaclyn!

  4. Viv /// 06.22.2021 /// 9:49am

    heart emoji multiple times.

  5. the jealous curator /// 06.25.2021 /// 6:38pm

    could not agree more!

  6. Jo Taylor /// 07.24.2021 /// 2:21am

    Oooo I loved this Danielle. That bit about having to let yourself play sometimes. And I totally do that thing where I immediately start thinking about how ‘useful’ playing is and often don’t let myself do it. Really appreciate Andy’s advice and your lovely podcast 🙂

  7. the jealous curator /// 07.24.2021 /// 6:33am

    thanks jo! i love this episode so much… that andy, he’s a ray of sunshine!

  8. joanne neville /// 09.14.2021 /// 4:07am

    I Loved this episode kind needed it right now too :)x


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