i’m still jealous of rune guneriussen

Sigh. The photographic installations of Rune Guneriussen. I wrote about him just a little over two years ago {my how time flies when you’re jealous!}, and he’s been very busy since then. Lamps, and books, and tables all finding new, temporary homes in the wilderness… just long enough for Rune to photograph them – and then just as magically as they appeared, they’re gone again. I wish he’d leave them there for a little while! I’d love to be out for a hike and come upon, well, any of these amazing groupings! Oh, and did I mention scale:

Yep… BIG and beautiful! This work is currently being shown at Rhein Galerie Bonn {exhibition shown above}, until November 10th 2012.

comments (11)

  1. Araya @ Wind and Willow Home /// 10.09.2012 /// 9:15am

    Totally love this. So whimsical.

  2. Emma Stockholm /// 10.09.2012 /// 9:40am


  3. Erin's Creative Energy /// 10.09.2012 /// 1:28pm

    I would love to go on a hike and come across a field of lamps turned on. That would be amazing!

  4. Anna /// 10.09.2012 /// 2:23pm

    These are just so beautiful! Just imagine walking through the woods and coming across a party of colourful lamps – like something from another world. Thank you for sharing this stunning work.

  5. Pattern Pulp - Friday Quick Links! /// 10.12.2012 /// 2:01pm

    […] sequined sweater via Honestly WTF 11. Gorgeous photographic installations by Rune Guneriussen via The Jealous Curator 12. Paper cut inspired wall hanging project via […]

  6. Jenn /// 10.12.2012 /// 4:14pm

    I love the circle of lamps in the field!

  7. Artsy Forager /// 10.18.2012 /// 10:10am

    OK, these? Frickin’ amazing. Like Andy Goldsworthy but more whimsical and fun. Love.

  8. Anika /// 11.05.2012 /// 7:17pm

    WOW. I’d actually not seen Guneriussen’s art before and I’m amazed! I’m a big fan of Andy Goldsworthy, so I really love this unique melding of the natural and human. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Things I Love Thursday, vol. 25 « Dressed to Chill /// 01.03.2013 /// 5:13pm

    […] Outdoor art installations by Rune Guneriussen (via Hither and Yon) […]

  10. Michael Angelo /// 02.15.2013 /// 3:06am

    This is astonishing! Love the tranquility this kind of art expresses. If only I had visited the exhibition!

    – Keep up with the great work, your site is awesome! Michaelangelo xx

  11. karmika /// 02.09.2017 /// 2:58am

    Lovely page, yours, envious girl. And I fully agree, only envy is the answer to those simple creativity works.


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