i’m jealous of lisa krannichfeld

Oh my. When these washy beauties showed up in my inbox I almost started writing today’s post immediately (ok, not almost… I totally started that very second). These dreamy, yet kinda eery, watercolor & resin portraits are the work of American artist Lisa Krannichfeld. All of them (and there are many more where these came from) are part of her “Glass Menagerie” series. Here’s Lisa’s explanation:

During my undergraduate years as a biology major I took a course in entomology. For an assignment I had to create an insect collection, carefully collecting specimens, killing them in a way as to not damage their bodies, posing them to best display their anatomy and containing them in a pristine wooden box.  Beautiful, numbered and preserved for all time.  In this series I wanted to explore capturing human emotion in a similar way. The problem with that is emotions are fleeting, inexact, and often blended with other feelings. The free, impulsive nature of watercolor offered a perfect medium.  The colors bleed and crash into each other; thin in places, intense in others, as the complexity of the emotions unfold.  The pieces are finished in a high gloss, indestructible resin, readying the specimens for display.  Together, a Glass Menagerie.

(ps. a few of these pieces are available as 11″x14″ prints… for $35!! um, yep, i’ll meet you over at her shop!)

comments (5)

  1. Mac /// 08.09.2013 /// 10:13am

    The pieces really are spectacular, and are selling quickly. She just dropped off several new ones at the gallery. The pricing on them is great, as well. $250 for the originals, or $215 each if 3 or more are purchased. -Mac Murphy, owner of M2 Gallery, Little Rock, AR (where The Glass Menagerie is currently on display). m2gallery@hotmail.com

  2. danielle (aka the jealous curator) /// 08.09.2013 /// 10:38am

    perfect! thanks for the info mac!

  3. pol guezennec /// 08.11.2013 /// 3:14am

    Close of large washes from Marlene Dumas

  4. the jealous curator /// 08.11.2013 /// 6:48am

    yes, those are amazing too! … there sure are lots of people doing washy beautiful faces. it’s been a popular subject matter/technique for decades.

  5. Pattern Pulp - Friday Quick Links! /// 08.16.2013 /// 11:01am

    […] Crush 7. Lisa Krannichfeld dreamy portraits in watercolor & resin via The Jealous Curator 8. Extreme knitting by Isabel Berglund via Yellowtrace 9. If you need some wallpaper inspiration, […]


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