todd robinson

Oooh… now, I know that’s how I actually start some posts, but this series by Sydney based artist Todd Robinson is actually titled “Oooh”. Yep. Colorful, squishy {yet solid?}, lazy-looking balloons made of hydrocal, polyester filler, and paint, in a series titled Oooh… I really can’t ask for much more.

*All of these images are from a show that was up last September at Galerie pompom in Sydney. Photos by Brett East.

{via Palmer Art Projects}

comments (8)

  1. Kacee Friedman /// 03.28.2014 /// 8:18am

    These have such life and movement!

  2. Kim Andrich /// 03.29.2014 /// 6:23am

    Great ideas are sometimes so simple we past over them,Love this work.

  3. the jealous curator /// 03.29.2014 /// 8:07am

    me too : )

  4. Elaine /// 03.30.2014 /// 8:52am

    Wish I could’ve gone and seen this (too bad they’re not exhibiting in HK!)

  5. Art Link Love | Who'd Have Thought? /// 05.25.2014 /// 1:01pm

    […] is from a series of work called ‘Oooh’ by Sydney artist Todd Robinson. First seen at The Jealous Curator. Share this:TwitterFacebookPinterestLinkedInGoogle+ Jane RileyLike this:Like […]

  6. hot air /// 01.16.2015 /// 1:55pm

    So much personality

  7. Leslie Croci /// 02.18.2015 /// 4:46am

    I would like to buy one of these balloons sculptures…
    Ideas of how much would it by with a delivery to Milan included?

  8. Laura /// 02.23.2016 /// 9:41am

    fabulous, so simple, very nice, eclectic….

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