anthony gerace

Remember those little puzzles where you had to slide the squares one at a time until you could make the full picture? No? Well in case you have no idea what I’m talking about, these gorgeous collages by London based artist Anthony Gerace totally make me think of that! Found faces jumbled up into new peek-a-booish compositions… stunning!

comments (6)

  1. maggie /// 04.01.2014 /// 9:21am

    Daw, I love the kitten one! I know exactly what toys you are talking about – I was hellbent on “fixing” them if I ever saw one scrambled.

  2. Sharmon Davidson /// 04.01.2014 /// 10:22am

    Brilliant! I remember those toys, too…

  3. danielle (aka the jealous curator) /// 04.01.2014 /// 7:12pm

    oh good! i was afraid that i just sounded like a crazy person… glad you guys remember those too!

  4. Pattern Pulp - Friday Quick Links! /// 04.04.2014 /// 1:00pm

    […] Kaleidoscope Portraits by Norg Nodis via Swissmiss 11. Pictures pieced together like a puzzle via The Jealous Curator 12. Swooning over these scarves via Honestly […]

  5. Portraits, mosaïques et collages par Anthony Gerace | Le Blog du Kitsch /// 04.15.2014 /// 3:26am

    […] There Must Be More to Life Than This : Crédits / Via Partager Articles similaires :Les oeuvres brodées de Stacey PageBeth Hoeckel et ses collages […]

  6. peter /// 04.24.2014 /// 8:38am

    I love these, so inspiring and yes, I wish I’d thought of that! Great work

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