tara donovan

Giant/fluffy pussy willows, and pink stalagmites? Nope. Bunches of acrylic rods, and stacks of buttons. Insane. This is the breathtaking work of Brooklyn based installation artist Tara Donovan. Just imagine seeing this work in person… well, you can if you happen to be on either US coast this summer! Yep, PACE New York and PACE Menlo Park California have Tara’s work showing until mid August. You’re going to go, right?!

comments (6)

  1. ferdi /// 07.07.2014 /// 7:43am


  2. danielle (aka the jealous curator) /// 07.07.2014 /// 7:48am


  3. maggie /// 07.07.2014 /// 9:07am

    Guess who’s taking a trip to Menlo Park now? Holy moly, these are gorgeous.

  4. sandy middleton /// 07.07.2014 /// 12:16pm

    OMG, I have to see these in person and I want to touch them!!

  5. monday mood / aug. 25th | mode and the like /// 08.25.2014 /// 8:01am

    […] Check out… new Penguin Essentials covers of classic books / DIY map quilt patterns for all you crafters / an article on upcoming documentary Art and Craft, about a “philanthropic” art forger / a musing on the messages tattoos send / an article exploring the usage and meaning of slang words “bae” and “basic bitch” / the work of installation artist Tara Donovan […]

  6. Gary /// 01.05.2019 /// 9:28am

    What are the delicate looking fuzzy looking balls made from! Surely not buttons as well.

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