art inc. (one for me, one for you!)

And the winner is…. KIRSTEN MORAN! Congratulations Kirsten! I’ll be in touch later today to get your mailing address.

Thanks to everyone that entered. It’s a really interesting/helpful read so if you’re looking for an new addition to your art library, I’d suggest buying a copy (it’s only $16.95)

Amen! Very smart words, from a very smart book, written by a very smart lady. Yes, as of today,Β Art Inc., by San Francisco based artist/illustratorΒ Lisa Congdon hits shelves! You guys… it’s so good! Basically it’s all about how to turn your art practice into a business. Lisa did it. Lots of other artists have done it. You can too. It’s a really easy read, with very helpful advice – and what I love so much is that it makes you realize that this “dream” is not ridiculous. At all. Lisa, and the full time studio artists interviewed in the book, break it down in chapters like “Promoting Your Work”, “Selling Your Art”, and “Illustration & Licensing”. They give real world advice/examples of how you can turn your “dream” into reality. And then of course, once you’re a raging success, you’ll need this chapter:

YES! So good, right? Oh, and speaking of good, this book even has it’s own trailer {you gotta love that!} featuring illustrations from the book, byΒ Karolin Schnoor… have a lookΒ right here.

{Art, Inc is now available anywhere that books are sold, but if you’d like to buy it online, please visit Chronicle Books or Powell’s Books… you can also enter MY GIVE AWAY! [another one so soon? yep!] I’ve got one copy for me to read cover to cover, and one copy to give away, so leave a comment below and I’ll draw one name on Thursday August 14th at 8am PST… good luck!}

comments (375)

  1. Nina Earley /// 08.12.2014 /// 6:14am

    This would definitely be a useful and beautiful addition to my (slowly growing) library! Thank you for having a give-away! -N

  2. Hillary /// 08.12.2014 /// 6:28am

    I’d love a copy!

  3. Mary T /// 08.12.2014 /// 6:58am

    Great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win Lisa’s new book.

  4. Kiran /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:02am

    Hello, have been an avid fan of Lisa since embarking on my own artsy journey, would love to take part in the opportunity to win this book with all of its insights. Thank you for creating a give away!

  5. Tina B /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:05am

    Trying to reenergize my artistic and creative side after years in corporate world. Thanks for doing this!

  6. slash /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:26am

    Me, me! Pleeeaase! πŸ™‚

  7. Dawn Pearcey /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:31am

    I’ve loved reading and learning from Lisa Congdon the past few years, and have been so excited to read this book! Thank you for the draw op!

  8. Rendell Hourigan /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:32am

    I would love to have this book as I am looking for direction in the next chapter of my life.

  9. Rebecca Eschete /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:33am

    I have had this book in my Amazon wish list ever since they announced it. I am so excited to get my hands on a copy, and I would love to win one!

  10. Tasneem /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:34am

    This sounds like a great book. I would love a copy. Especially since I am thinking about starting my own store with my textile designs.

  11. Thomas Chen /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:34am

    I’d love a copy!

  12. Laura Geraghty /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:35am

    This looks beautiful! Would love a copy!

  13. Kerry /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:36am

    I would love a copy! Thanks so much for the chance.

  14. Holly Lacour /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:37am

    Yes, Please!

  15. Stefanie Potter /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:37am

    I would love a copy (like so many others!)!!! Love what you do! Thank you for this chance!

  16. Nikole Smith /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:38am

    Pick me! Pick me! πŸ™‚

  17. Parakh /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:40am

    this would be great – lets hope! πŸ™‚

  18. Joslyn /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:40am

    Must read, so if the copy is freeeee, even better!

  19. Kelly /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:41am

    What every artist needs!!

  20. rachelle hamilton /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:42am

    pick me!

  21. Kirsten /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:42am

    This book could not be more timely! I am in the process of figuring this whole thing out now. I hope I win! xx

  22. Lisa S /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:42am

    that “simple proclamation” is the hardest thing for me. I need to read this book.

  23. Luisa Leal /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:42am

    Oh my god! I have to have it! Awesome Lisa, you are one in a million! Im jealous of this book πŸ˜€

  24. sally /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:43am

    This would be perfect timing for me. I’m stepping into the abyss of my artist life and could use this wisdom! And thanks for such a great site (again)!

  25. Anu Kankkunen /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:43am


  26. Veronika /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:44am

    Pick me please πŸ™‚

  27. Ilaria Ruggeri /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:44am

    I love Lisa’s work and attitude <3

  28. Minna /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:45am

    Sounds like a great book – would love to pore over a copy!

  29. Dee Santillanes /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:45am

    This book would change my life! I hope I win!

  30. Alisa Cunningham /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:45am

    I would love to have this for my brother, who is trying so hard with his art. Thank you πŸ™‚

  31. suzanne forrester /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:46am

    such a fan of lisa’s! i’d love to start creating a thriving business out of my art practice.

  32. jayneey /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:46am

    I’d love a copy as am umming and aahing about how to make a bit of a living from selling my paintings. Maybe love is a strong word, and one I usually reserve for relatives and rocky road ice cream. Anyway, i would love to be able to prematurely retire from nursing and be an arty type person instead and have a nice collection of berets. I do not necessarily need the book as i will still imagine this scenario, but it would be helpful i imagine.

  33. Sandra /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:46am

    Love Lisa’s frank and personal observations about making a living as an artist. She is such an inspiration. This book will surely give other artists (myself included!) the encouraging push we need. πŸ™‚

  34. Mar /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:48am

    i’m soooooo jealous!!! i wanna this desperately <3

  35. Karen /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:48am

    I’m looking forward to reading this book! It looks great!

  36. Rhian Wyn Harrison /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:48am


  37. Princess So /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:48am

    currently a student studying illustration and I’d love to get my hands on some hard core inspiration! πŸ™‚

  38. Arielle Goddard /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:48am

    Please pick me! I’m a big fan and I’m dying to get my hands on this book

  39. Jess Watson /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:49am

    I sooooooo want to read this book.

  40. Bobby Cole /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:49am

    I have a friend with a blossoming (excuse the pun) floral and creative business. He has a few connections in our city, but to really get himself up and running I think this book would be an asset to his skill set, and motivation to do more. I think he would appreciate the sentiment, and it would be a more tangible way to let him know I’m rooting for his success.

  41. alicia /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:50am

    I’ve really enjoyed the past books in this collection, Art Inc would be a great addition. I nerd out over creative business books all the time!

  42. kelly bins /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:50am

    Wow! Soooo cool!

  43. Debarati Sanyal /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:51am

    From what you’ve described, I’m very excited and very eager to read it. I would like t gift this book to my friend who is a brilliant artist, and this book I’m sure will help him.

  44. Jeannie /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:51am

    Would love a copy of this book! As an art teacher who wants to move into illustration on the side, this book would be a great read!

  45. Georgia Souvatzi /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:52am

    Ohh i really need this! I need to be an artist! Good luck to all of you guys!

  46. Andrea Couture /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:52am

    A friend of mine just made a huge career decision in that sense yesterday! I’d love to get this book to be able to give it to her as a present! πŸ˜€ Thank you for doing this πŸ™‚

  47. Courtney Z /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:53am

    awesome! i’d love a copy πŸ™‚

  48. Kim /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:54am

    I love Lisa’s work and I’d love to read her thoughts on making a living as an artist! πŸ™‚

  49. Dimitra /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:55am

    My most favourite artist and illustrator! I am so excited for her book! I would love a copy, as I am practicing painting by myself and I am always learning things by Lisa Congdon, both by her advice and the instructions of the courses, she teaches occasionally.

  50. meghan mackay /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:56am

    This would be a great gift for at least a few of my friends.

  51. Lizl /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:57am

    Please please please, let me win…i need this book in my life πŸ™‚

  52. Lauren Thomson /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:58am

    would love this…

  53. Molly /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:59am

    I would LOVE to win this! Craft, Inc. was SO helpful in forming my own craft business, but now that I’m a painter, I think this would be SO FITTING! Thanks for offering this awesome giveaway!

  54. Garry Maclennan /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:59am

    This looks ace!!

  55. Nicole Gropp /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:00am

    I’m at the perfect place in my journey to get going with this! Would love a copy!

  56. carey /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:00am

    I’d love this!

  57. tanja /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:01am

    Hi! I love your book Creative Block! Just got it. I miss my old gang of friends (from when I lived in a large city) especially because we were so good at picking each other up when we had the creative “downs” (ie feeling like there will never be a good idea again, doubts of all kinds etc). Long story short: your book Creative Block has become a new friend (living far out in the countryside), I just open a page and find good words, encouragement, reminders, fave so far is “what would Johnny Lydon do?”
    Hit me right in the heart. Thank you so much for creating this amazing book.

    I’m also very interested in Art Inc and would love to win a copy. In Sweden, my native country, many artists are being forced into entrepreneurship, can be a very bad thing, so please make sure all the Swedish libraries buy Art Inc (AND Creative Block!)


  58. Tabea /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:02am

    So let’s try to get this wonderful copy. Sounds like something I could need πŸ™‚

  59. Counsel Langley /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:02am

    Awesome! Would love a copy of this!

  60. Autumn Gracie /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:03am

    I am 16 and have the dream of selling and sharing what I create with my very own hands with the world. My bestie and I are starting up a postcard making business and I know that this book will be a spectacular help with this process.

  61. Ashley Halbach /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:03am

    I would be thrilled to win a copy of this book! I would love to turn my passion into a business!

  62. Jamie greene /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:05am

    Certainly sounds like the advice I could use right now.

  63. Megan Vossler /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:05am

    I would love a copy of this, and would love to share it with my students!

  64. sandra verine /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:05am

    This book seems like the answer to my current questions!!! Need this!

  65. tanja /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:05am

    ps I love Lisa’s dress too!!

  66. Emily Robards /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:05am

    This looks great! I could do with this four years of art college and I still dont know how to be a professional artist! I sent the link to my college library so they can also get one in for future art students! fingers crossed, i need an up!

  67. Huiwen /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:07am

    Thank you for sharing about this book! It would be perfect for the current phase of my journey into the fully wonderful world of being an artist. Love your curation too! πŸ™‚

  68. Toni (@LttleHouseCraft) /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:08am

    That book looks amazing! It would be a great addition to any artist’s library!

  69. Alyssa Ellis /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:08am

    What an interesting read for artists.

  70. Oonagh Latchford /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:09am

    Oh yes please, would love a copy πŸ™‚

  71. Andrada /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:10am

    i think this book would realy help and i would love a copy <3

  72. Camila /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:11am

    Aww this book seems amazing! i wish I could win one!!! Thanks for the opportunity!

  73. Jen /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:11am

    can’t wait to read this!

  74. Rachel Fallon /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:11am

    I would love a copy!

  75. Tara O. /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:12am

    Wow, thank you for the giveaway! This book sounds amazing. Love Lisa’s work.

  76. Shauna Reid /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:13am

    Looks great! Would love a copy of this book.

  77. claudia Aguilar /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:14am

    I want it so bad!!!!!!!!!!
    Gosh it’s so hard for my to find this kind of books in my country I hope I get it!!

  78. Tanya /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:14am

    Oooooh, this looks like a good one! I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance! πŸ™‚

  79. carina /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:15am

    whoa, pick me pls!


  80. Marijke van der Valk /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:15am

    It’s my dream to make a career out of my art! This book will be a great help!

  81. Barbara M /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:16am

    Just what I need to know right now, timing couldn’t be better!! πŸ™‚

  82. Zish /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:16am

    A thoughtful giveaway!

  83. Molly /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:16am

    Would love this!!! Xx mol

  84. rossana taormina /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:18am

    I like the illustrations!

  85. kelly rae cunningham /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:18am

    Win or buy I’m reading this! Can’t wait

  86. Kirsten Peerdeman /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:19am

    love the use of printmaking in the illustrations!

    And, ofcourse, as an self made creative entrepenour I love to get some tips how to succeed in my business.

  87. Regina Kioko /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:22am

    Sounds fantastic! I really need read this book to learn how I can survive being an artist.

  88. Tony Pinto /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:22am

    Looks great! Would love a freeeeee copy! I’ll buy it if I don’t win, though. LOL

  89. Jane Marsden /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:22am

    I will shortly be taking a leap of faith to try to fulfill my lifelong dream of making a living ad an artist (I am 51) I would love this book to help me along the way…..keeping everything crossed that I win β™₯β™₯β™₯

  90. Lindsay Stripling /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:23am

    I would LOVE a copy of this book so much! It would be rad to get one from the giveaway! Never enough tools out there to make this dream of being a professional artist seem more tangible πŸ˜‰

  91. Kereem Adams /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:23am

    Either way, I will buy this book πŸ™‚

  92. Katie Holland /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:24am

    I have been looking forward to this book coming out! Would love to win.

  93. Masja /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:25am

    Hai, this is what i really need right now!
    Greetings fron the netherlands πŸ™‚

  94. Sang Dan /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:26am

    She’s one of my favorite artists, would love to have a copy. Thank you!

  95. Jan Little /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:26am

    I’m a big fan of Lisa Congden’s work! I’d love a copy of her book!

  96. Sharon Sefton /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:27am

    Ready to spread my wings and fly and am hoping this book will a lift of wind. I’d love a copy of your friend’s book!

  97. Susan Mosedale /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:29am

    What a FAB IDEA and I would love to get this book please……….it would look great with my other books. Fingers crossed πŸ™‚ xo

  98. Aisah /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:30am

    So so exciting! Such a huge fan of Lisa! I run a creative business and it has been a rough week, emotionally…draining. This is just the motivation I needed and have no idea when it’s gonna hit the shelves here in Singapore but I sure could use a copy!

  99. marta /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:31am

    I absolutely need to review this book to the creative people who visits my blog! They will love it!

  100. Jadon /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:32am

    i’d love a copy of the book! i started the business but i am stuck. i need inspiration, a guide. this will be the perfect reading for me.

  101. Vanessa Lee /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:32am

    I’m excited to read this book πŸ™‚

  102. Gill Neish /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:32am

    It would be very easy to feel jealous of Lisa Congdon :D. I have bumpt into many of her online writings and videos and she is awsome and so full of energy. I am sure her new book will be too. Would love a copy thank you πŸ˜€

  103. lisa /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:34am

    Ooh fab! This looks ace! Count me in πŸ™‚

  104. sarah /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:37am

    Would totally love this- need some advice and inspiration to get things going….again!!

  105. Holly Doucette /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:40am

    Looks like an excellent book πŸ™‚

  106. Anibal Santos /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:42am

    I would love to have a copy! I’m always looking for ways to improve.

  107. Megan Roche /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:44am

    This book would be worth reading cover to cover! πŸ™‚

  108. Joline Hartig /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:47am

    I am a printmaker. This book is just what I need:)

  109. Dulcie Fulton /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:47am

    Sounds like a really useful read! Beautifully illustrated too.

  110. La Rae /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:48am

    Motivation at your fingertips… PERFECT!

  111. rhiannon /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:48am

    Thoughtful and helpful advice is always desired and appreciated. πŸ™‚

  112. Heather MacIntosh /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:50am

    I am an artist!

  113. Jennifer /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:54am

    Would love to read this. I am an artist. I love artists!

  114. Wade /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:54am

    Looking forward to this.

  115. Jasmine /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:57am

    It’ll be such a honor to win the book! Just at the beginning stage of preparing for my crafty business πŸ™‚

  116. Laura R. /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:59am

    Another giveaway?! Thank you, thank you!!

  117. Cora /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:59am

    Oh I would love to win this. It sounds great. I love Lisa’s work x

  118. Emma Levey /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:00am

    Sounds like a very informative read and looks beautifully put together! Fingers crossed!

  119. Kristen Kieffer /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:01am

    Thanks for the heads up about Lisa’s book. I’ve almost finished Creative Block, and have your Collage book on order. I’ve truly been inspired! Thank you, Danielle!

  120. J.saeger /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:03am

    Looks amazing!

  121. Patrick /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:04am

    Am about to fly solo after leaving a failed partnership and this book would be great and a useful rock, touchstone in my bid to fly solo.

  122. Erin Austin /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:08am

    Looking forward to this one!

  123. Deniz /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:10am

    Great! Like the illustrations.

  124. krista /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:12am

    Awesome Possum! This sounds like a great book!

  125. Melissa Lin /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:18am

    love it, thank you so much for putting this inspiration out there xox

  126. Amber P /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:19am

    My husband could use some motivation. I would love this for him.

  127. Kelsey /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:20am

    I am right in the midst of transitioning from art-as-hobby to art-as-“jobby.” This would be a perfect guidebook for me!

  128. Elaine /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:20am

    Would absolutely love a copy of this fabulous book!

  129. Ashleigh Hodges /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:20am

    Oooh, this is on my reading list! I’d love a copy —- trying to devour everything I can, to push my business to the next level. Thanks for sharing!

  130. China Marsot-Wood /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:24am

    I would love this! Thank you!

  131. Erica /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:27am

    I’ve just ditched the day job and am out on my own now- scary, but VERY exciting!! This would be the absolutely perfect summer reading for me <3

  132. Susan /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:27am

    I sure hope Canadians can enter, cause we would love to win this book!

  133. William Ulrich /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:27am

    I would really like a copy of this book not so much for myself but to give to an artist that I know.

  134. Antonis Kontroyiannis /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:29am

    Looks great.. Can’t wait!!

  135. April Lacheur /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:36am

    LOVE a copy of this book! πŸ™‚ thanks for the giveaway!

  136. Rachel /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:41am

    I need this push. πŸ™‚

  137. Francina /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:41am

    Really want to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  138. stasia /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:45am

    This looks like a beautifully crafted, super-helpful book that I know I could definitely use! Thanks for offering your giveaway!

  139. Pam-ella /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:51am

    I just saw this on Brainpickings and put in a request at the library. It looks beautiful and I’d love to have a copy of me own.

  140. Aly Dodds /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:52am

    Wow! Looks like another winner from Lisa! Thanks for the giveaway! πŸ™‚

  141. Jlyoung /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:52am

    Just saw this and am dying to read it!

  142. Jim Taylor /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:55am

    Timely for me. I’m trying to figure this game out!

  143. Jessica Hougen /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:56am

    What a fantastic book! And a great giveaway! I’d love to win!

  144. Katie Wilson /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:58am

    Ooooh, I’d love a copy of this!

  145. kyle milne /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:58am


  146. Chris Marmes /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:03am

    When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Or in this case the book. =) Thanks!

  147. Kayla Lake /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:04am

    My sister and I have always dreamed of starting a business together with her on the creative side and me on the business side. This would be a great first step to making our dream happen!

  148. Emily Grace /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:05am

    This sounds like a great read- Fingers are crossed!

  149. Gina Ulgen /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:06am

    Thursday is my lucky day!

  150. Deb /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:07am

    Looks good!

  151. Mirta /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:08am

    I would love a copy πŸ™‚

  152. Marine /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:13am

    I’m just thinking about leaving evrthg to do ceramics so i would surely use a piece of advice from This book !!!
    Fingers crossed !



  153. cassandra /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:14am

    Love your website, and love Lisa Congdon’s work! I would love to win Art, inc.

  154. Brigitta /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:18am

    I am actually working on growing my art into a business right now. This would be a wonderful addition to the research I am doing right now! Would absolutely love this!

  155. Lynn /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:18am

    I’d love a chance to win this book. Thank you!

  156. femke /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:21am

    I’m jealous of the jealous curator!
    which then makes me really terribly jealous?

    i wish i though of that blog idea:)

  157. Nova /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:24am

    Been counting the days until this was released. Can’t wait to read it!

  158. Victoria /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:24am

    The book looks beautiful! And it’s amazing how difficult it is for me to say, with full force, that “I am an artist,” despite knowing it to be true with all my heart.

  159. kat murphy /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:25am

    I am an artist! Bring it!

  160. amydraws /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:25am

    love the animation video. great marketing.

  161. Raven Kroon /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:25am

    Lisa is one of the most authentic & kind
    person I have ever met! I can only
    imagine this would be a book that every
    creative person would
    turn to over & over for inspiration &
    encouragement! Thanks for the review
    & giveaway!

  162. Giova Brusa /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:28am

    I would love to give this book to my sister who is an artist but she doesn’t always believe it!!

  163. Matt /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:31am

    This book looks lovely!

  164. billie giese /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:33am

    I teach emerging young artists at Northern Illinois University. I send student’s to your blog as well as Lisa’s site. I would love to share this book with them. Thanks.

  165. Debi /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:39am

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ooooh, YES PLEASE!!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    W H A T ‘ S // N O T // TO // LOVE // ?

  166. Amy G. /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:41am

    I would love a copy! πŸ™‚

  167. E Kim /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:44am

    I would love a copy. Look awesome

  168. Mariam A /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:49am

    Still struggling with “I’m an artist”… Definitely need the book! πŸ™‚

  169. Lisa /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:55am

    Oh my, I need this book. Thank you for the chance to enter!

  170. Lulu Rocka /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:55am

    I am needing to start my career in illustration and could really use this book. Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  171. Meighan McGuire /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:55am

    I am really interested in a book like this. As I venture into doing other things with my life I could use the help in a simple and easy to understand way. Thanks Lisa for taking the time to share with others.

  172. Susy /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:57am

    Oh yay! Would love to read this book!

  173. Sima /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:01am

    You are right it looks like a must have πŸ˜‰

  174. Badir McCleary /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:05am

    THis is a great addition to any library!

  175. Amanda Rogers /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:10am

    “I am an artist!” Step One complete… would love a copy of the book so I can learn more about the steps that follow and share the book with my network of fellow artists in the Women’s Caucus for Art (

  176. Laura /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:10am

    I’ve been looking forward to Art Inc.’s release. Would love to win.

  177. Jen /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:12am

    Excited for the nuggets of help and advice! Hope I win!

  178. Jennifer Braz /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:17am

    Yes please!

  179. Natalie Smith /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:17am

    I would love to read this book but moneys on the low side as I enter forth year and all remaining pennies have to be spent on materials and research! It would be a perfect little read to keep me going this year while I design my website and everything else alongside uni!

  180. trish /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:21am

    If you pick me, give it to Tanja. It is a sweet story.

  181. nina seven /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:28am

    I’ve followed Lisa’s blog for years and now on FB and Instagram. She is such an inspiration. Would love to win a copy of her new book!

  182. Jennifer /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:28am

    This looks like a very awesome book. Please enter me into your drawing!

  183. Nancy /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:29am

    would love to win!

  184. Shawna /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:30am

    Sign me up!

  185. Louise /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:30am

    Oh I would really really love to win this book! Perfect timing for my life right now!! X

  186. Razvan Hogea /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:37am

    Having a theoretic educational background, I still see times when I doubt almost everything I’m doing. I think this read will be a push in the right direction.

    Good luck, everybody!

  187. Christina /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:38am

    work in progress… the book would really be helpfull to me…

  188. Caitlin /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:47am

    I would LOVE this! How helpful!

  189. Pera Kraljic /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:53am


  190. Kay /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:54am

    At 58yrs of age, and still dreaming, I have renewed hope!

  191. Cynthia /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:58am

    I would love this book. Lisa is so inspiring!

  192. Erin Murray /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:03pm

    I just committed to being a full-time artist and it feels so good! I’d love a copy of this book- it sounds amazing!

  193. Heidi Shedlock /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:14pm

    Awesome website….and I just happend to stumble across it when you are running a giveaway for Lisa’s new book ….that’s a double bonus!!! I would love a copy….please!

  194. Eleanor Huang /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:14pm

    Would love this for my daughter. A senior in college, studying for her BFA in Painting. Thanks.

  195. fer scarlato /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:14pm

    The simplest proclamation, the first step you need to move forward, is just one of the hardest!
    I am an artist.
    Am I an artist, or just someone who likes to create/paint/illustrate in her free time? Am I good enough so that I can make a living of it? Ugh, I’ve struggling with those kind of thoughts for too long now!

  196. fathima /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:20pm

    This book looks so great! Would love to win a copy – trying to build both the artist and business side of things and it’s not easy.

  197. Rachael bower /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:22pm

    What a great giveaway!

  198. Jessica /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:31pm

    So excited for this book!

  199. Joan Herlinger /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:31pm

    I saw Lisa speak last Wednesday at Makeshift society in SF. She offered so many great insights into the business of illustration and how to succeed as the sort of illustrator you want to be.
    I would love to receive a free copy of her book.

  200. Jessica Ochoa /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:41pm

    This will give my friend a pick me up to start up his glass jewelry design business. He is a single dad and needs to focus on himself as well. πŸ™‚

  201. Detta T /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:42pm

    What an amazing book – and a clever friend. Thank you for sharing this wisdom.

  202. Marie-Jeanne B. /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:46pm

    Would love to be able to read this one ! Looks really neat

  203. Anne Gates /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:47pm

    So excited for this book!!

  204. Hilary Frye /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:50pm

    Very smart to market the book with a trailer! I can’t wait to get a copy. I hope it’s here…but if not, I’ll buy it anyways! It looks very appealing!

  205. Alvira /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:51pm

    M twin sister and I are both graduate art students. While we are working towards two exhibitions later this year in Cape Town, we are trying to establish an art community in the area we live (St. Francis Bay). We are calling our venture “The immaginarium Creative Exchange” (look for it on crowd funding site This book will be a great way to further develop our goals.

  206. Cindy hoose /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:52pm

    Love Lisa! An inspiration for sure.

  207. Virginia /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:53pm

    Pick me pick me pick me !!!
    Oh and well done , I’m addicted to your blog !

  208. Alouette /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:53pm

    As a BVA at student who is at the end of my studies. I now have to fave the art world alone. This book will guide me through the art world!

  209. Kristel /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:56pm

    Looks like a smart and a pretty book. . πŸ™‚

  210. Dyah /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:56pm

    I would love a copy! Thank you!

  211. Daniel jones /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:59pm

    Wooooo! Hi hello yes please

  212. Ruby Joy /// 08.12.2014 /// 12:59pm

    Ahh, would love to get my hands on this, fingers crossed x

  213. Cassie /// 08.12.2014 /// 1:02pm

    Oh – I’d love to read this!

  214. Michelle /// 08.12.2014 /// 1:02pm

    I would love to read this- thanks!

  215. NoΓ«l /// 08.12.2014 /// 1:10pm

    Me pleeeeeeeeeze!

  216. rachel giese /// 08.12.2014 /// 1:19pm

    This is such a great opportunity! I am an art student and a commercial sign maker with Whole Foods. I crave time to do my own work and dream about making it my business to sell my art. This would be an awesome read.

  217. Suzannah /// 08.12.2014 /// 1:26pm

    Oh gosh, this would just make my year! I would love to win. I love Lisa!

  218. Hanrie /// 08.12.2014 /// 1:35pm

    Lisa Congdon is one of my hero. I would treasure this book and live of her invaluable advice. Thank you for sharing.

  219. Zoe /// 08.12.2014 /// 1:43pm

    I, d love to have a look! we are an artist couple in Cornwall and live from our art, we need to keep going down that road and take things further!!

  220. Emilie Patteson /// 08.12.2014 /// 1:49pm

    This book sounds like just what I’m looking for!

  221. Susan /// 08.12.2014 /// 1:51pm

    Lisa and Danielle – you are an inspiration to everyone who wants to invent a more creative life. This summer in a workshop with 11 other aspiring/emerging artists in Chicago and would so love to share this book with them! Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  222. Lisette /// 08.12.2014 /// 1:55pm

    Funnily enough, Lisa’s work is what inspired me to create my Christmas cards last year, which then led to my setting up a collection of greeting cards, which I am selling here and there, which in turn led to my participating in a maker’s market in London last weekend… and which no doubt will lead to many more wonderful things! Needless to say, I am positively DYING to get my sweaty hands on a copy of Art Inc, so I can apply all the wisdom and inspiration it no doubt contains to continue on my path as an artist…

  223. lyndsay /// 08.12.2014 /// 1:56pm

    Its now or never!! HELP!!

  224. Miyuki /// 08.12.2014 /// 2:11pm

    Yes Please!

  225. Des /// 08.12.2014 /// 2:17pm

    Good luck for super sales of your book Lisa!

  226. Lindsey mineff /// 08.12.2014 /// 2:18pm

    I would love this book! This is exactly what I need to read right now as I’m trying to transition from cubical prisoner to business savey artist!

  227. Morgan /// 08.12.2014 /// 2:20pm

    I am an aspiring artist and this book sounds like it would be a great help!! PS, I’m loving these giveaways!

  228. Diana /// 08.12.2014 /// 2:24pm

    I just heard Lisa speak at Makeshift Society and she was fantastic! Just an incredible resource and so generous with her knowledge. Incredibly excited to read her book!

  229. Carolyn Kassnoff /// 08.12.2014 /// 2:26pm

    This book looks marvelous, and I love reading your blog!

  230. Kim Whaley /// 08.12.2014 /// 2:29pm

    I cannot wait to read this book and I am so excited for the launch party tonight!

  231. Bronwyn /// 08.12.2014 /// 2:29pm

    I’d love a copy to assist my evolution as an artist!

  232. Jessica Barron /// 08.12.2014 /// 2:36pm

    God I need this ,I’m jumping in head first into an art buisness which is good but some art specific advice would REALLY help!

  233. Natalie /// 08.12.2014 /// 2:44pm

    I would love this book for my collection.

  234. Edwina Keene /// 08.12.2014 /// 2:45pm

    After years of struggling with my identity as an artist – this just might make all the difference. Thank you for the opportunity πŸ™‚

  235. Tiffany /// 08.12.2014 /// 2:49pm

    What we all need!

  236. Rania /// 08.12.2014 /// 2:54pm

    ooh so very EXCITING!

  237. eliza kinkz /// 08.12.2014 /// 3:01pm

    Yay! Would love a copy

  238. joan nellhaus /// 08.12.2014 /// 3:04pm

    Wonderful book and design! I want to retire and be a full-time artist … can’t wait to read your book. peace, joan

  239. Sue H. /// 08.12.2014 /// 3:09pm

    Thrilled to see this in print. Winning a copy would be super fantastic. Thanks!

  240. Gabrielle New /// 08.12.2014 /// 3:14pm

    Looks like what ever artist needs to survive. Excited to check it out.

  241. Ayesha Aggarwal /// 08.12.2014 /// 3:15pm

    Yes, please!

  242. Selina /// 08.12.2014 /// 3:22pm

    “I am an aaaaaa…abrogating entrepreneur/artist!” In need of a push in the right direction πŸ™‚ This could be just the thing!

  243. Sally Gross /// 08.12.2014 /// 3:23pm

    Hello, I love the idea of this book. It’s just what I need to take my illustration business to the next level and quit my day job! Thanks, Well done. Sally.

  244. Erika Stern /// 08.12.2014 /// 3:29pm

    Oh, me please!
    Dancing around promoting what has a been a personal art practice after 25 very uninspiring years in the world of architectural design.
    I just need a road map!

  245. Rob /// 08.12.2014 /// 3:41pm

    Sorry, but as a longtime fan of your blog I’m truly surprised that you’re hocking a book by a known copycat. It seems that most bloggers have quietly backed away from Lisa and her work since it came to light that she stole/copied a multitude of photographers and other artists (ironically right after the Cody Foster issue where she said these images and patterns were completely original ideas.) She’s paid off a few bloggers to take down their posts regarding the situation but you can read (and see) some irrefutable evidence here:

    Really hoping you’ll vet your sponsors more closely in the future. There is nothing authentic about Ms. Congdon.

  246. alison t. /// 08.12.2014 /// 3:43pm

    Looks like a great book full of practical advice on being a professional artist. I think every hopeful and emerging artist could use this book. Thanks for writing it!!

  247. kylie box /// 08.12.2014 /// 3:53pm

    Oh this would be fabulous I need all the help I can get. Have just entered an artist talent search and have uploaded the cymk file instead of rgb so its looking pretty crap. Was hoping my art would stand out for what it was not because its the colour profile πŸ™ Thanks so much for the chance Kylie

  248. Lisa /// 08.12.2014 /// 3:57pm

    Graduated last month and just starting out on my journey to become a designer. I’m struggling with starting out and this could be a perfect way to help me along the way. Thanks for the chance and fingers crossed for everyone.

  249. Jenni /// 08.12.2014 /// 4:03pm

    This looks fabulous! I would love to read this one as an artist just starting out!

  250. Taylor Norton /// 08.12.2014 /// 4:21pm

    I would love to read this book!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  251. Antoinette /// 08.12.2014 /// 4:24pm

    This books looks amazing and will be an insightful read.

  252. Heidi Tusberg /// 08.12.2014 /// 4:28pm

    Would love to read this book. A great opportunity to help me hone, polish and find a home for my work. Thanks for the giveaway!

  253. Brigette /// 08.12.2014 /// 4:31pm

    As an emerging artist, I need all the guidance I can get! I would love to receive this book by Lisa!

  254. Barbara Asia /// 08.12.2014 /// 4:37pm

    Yes! to that proclamation! which brought me here from pinterest, I am glad it did!

  255. Sarah Scott /// 08.12.2014 /// 4:43pm

    Inspiration! Something I’ve discovered we just can’t have enough of. This looks so amazing, I’m enjoying reading about it through your post. Thank you for sharing!

  256. Alex /// 08.12.2014 /// 4:59pm

    An art student can never have too many resources ;D. I am an artist!

  257. Kateri /// 08.12.2014 /// 4:59pm

    What a nice giveaway! Thanks!!

  258. Olivia /// 08.12.2014 /// 5:06pm

    i’ve been trying to figure out what to do with myself post graduation, and this book would definitely help.

  259. Ariane Gilbert /// 08.12.2014 /// 5:08pm

    Having 2 littles girls and working full time didn’t let me time to make my arts during last 10 years. But now that I’m home I will try everything to get my inspiration back and start my artistic career! This book seems to arrive just as I need it!

  260. Patricia /// 08.12.2014 /// 5:14pm

    If I had this book, I would find the time to read it. Looks great, and adorable. Thanks for the review.

  261. Libby /// 08.12.2014 /// 5:19pm

    Great offer! Thanks! Fingers crossed!

  262. Megan /// 08.12.2014 /// 5:22pm

    I would love a copy for my art book collection! I could really use some business tips as I just started assembling my art to sell online! Thanks for the opportunity!

  263. Samantha Johns /// 08.12.2014 /// 5:36pm

    Looking for some direction…Lost in Suffolk….

  264. raylee syrch /// 08.12.2014 /// 5:40pm

    thanks for sharing, would love to read this book.

  265. Kate /// 08.12.2014 /// 5:41pm

    Would love to get my hands on a copy!!

  266. Sarah Whitney /// 08.12.2014 /// 5:46pm

    Pick me!!! Pick me!!! πŸ™‚

  267. Rachel /// 08.12.2014 /// 6:00pm

    Looks like a great book!

  268. Bonnie V. /// 08.12.2014 /// 6:02pm

    i could use a new book to read

  269. Rashelle Stutts /// 08.12.2014 /// 6:04pm

    I’d love a copy to share with my high school art students!! I’m also a practicing artist.

  270. Stacey jones /// 08.12.2014 /// 6:40pm

    Oh please, please, please! I promise to share after I read it!

  271. Melanie /// 08.12.2014 /// 6:46pm

    I already know that this book will be a game changer just from the first sentence: I am an artist. So simple yet an incredibly important sentence for artists to say, repeat, believe, and shout out with pride & confidence! Can’t wait to read the rest!

  272. recepti zdrave hrane /// 08.12.2014 /// 6:54pm

    If you are going for finest contents like me,
    just vieit this site everyday because it gives feature contents,

  273. Jen McGoo (onepotatotwo) /// 08.12.2014 /// 6:59pm

    Oh I hope its me!!!

  274. Erika /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:07pm

    Looks like a great book! I’d like to check it out to also share with my students.

  275. sofia /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:36pm

    me! me! iΒ΄m from Chile! it would be so usefull here !!

  276. Abigail /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:36pm

    Yes, please! Love Lisa congdon.

  277. samantha anastasiou /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:42pm

    “I am an artist” wow.

  278. Anna Rolin /// 08.12.2014 /// 7:46pm

    Oh please, oh please! Please pick me! I would soooooo appreciate it! I’m a hobby artist that wants to go professional.

  279. Lorinda Mamo /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:06pm

    Looks like an awesome read! Would love a copy πŸ™‚

  280. Mari of crab+fish /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:36pm

    I feel like I’m meant to win this! <3

  281. Cate Laidler /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:38pm

    Synchronicity!! It has MY NAME all over it!! Thank you <3

  282. julie @ tractorgirl /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:40pm

    goshdarnit! Lisa is SO awesome! I would love this book.

  283. Rosa /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:42pm

    Love Lisa and her work! Would be thrilled to win!

  284. A /// 08.12.2014 /// 8:53pm

    Oh I need this so hard.

  285. Bethany /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:01pm

    I’ve seen multiple posts about this book TODAY!! I’m so intrigued!!

  286. Amber /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:11pm

    Woot! I’m a fan and an artist. Would love to peruse those pages!

  287. Lauren H-B /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:38pm

    Love it, love your blog, and love inspiring books!

  288. Alexandra Besuijen /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:38pm

    Please pick me, so I don’t have to cut my ear off.


  289. Dani Lopez /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:43pm

    *pouty lip* I do so ever want this book! *bats eyelashes* I hope I win, pretty please with sugar on top? πŸ™‚ BTW, huge fan of your blog, it’s my daily shot of inspiration!!!

  290. Lara Odell /// 08.12.2014 /// 9:54pm

    Contributing my vacuous comment in hopes of winning Lisa’s new book. Thank you!

  291. shelley /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:28pm

    i’d love this book! fingers crossed…

  292. Heather Agoncillo /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:49pm

    It would be absolutely fantastic if I could get the other copy! I look forward to reading the book. I usually don’t win these sort of things, but surely I won’t know unless I try. Your work is awesome and you’re truly inspirational. Even if I don’t win, thank you for being so generous.

  293. Sandra R /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:53pm

    i would love to see this copy shipped to AUSTRIA!
    it would find a very good home over here.

  294. Giedre /// 08.12.2014 /// 10:56pm

    I love Lisa’s work! I would be SO HAPPY to receive a copy of this book!

  295. Myyna /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:25pm

    Lisa is so special! Love her illustrations πŸ™‚

  296. Ursa /// 08.12.2014 /// 11:29pm

    i am just asking myself if i’m only a craftster or i am an artist …
    I would love to have this book.

    …and I LOVE your blog

  297. jojanneke /// 08.13.2014 /// 12:09am

    Wow, another give-away! I’m in! Because I could really use this guide….as a beginning artist I just proclamated I’m an artist last year! And I know there is a lot of other stuff to do after that…just don’t know what precisely!
    I’m off selling my goods at the Lowlands-festival this weekend…can’t check this blog during the weekend…but I’m keeping my fingers crossed!!!

    Greetings Jojanneke

  298. Miriam /// 08.13.2014 /// 1:23am

    If you are open to sending to australia I would love to own this for self inspiration but also for helping champion the cause of creative people caught in the headlights and unsure where to go next.

  299. Jessica /// 08.13.2014 /// 1:41am

    I love books that are simple, to the point, and just plain well written and designed. This one looks like a winner. Looking forward to hearing more about it from you, or even better, reading the copy myself. Thanks as always for your generosity.

  300. Elysha Rei /// 08.13.2014 /// 2:44am

    A copy of this book would be gold! It looks like a fantastic resource.

  301. Katka /// 08.13.2014 /// 2:54am

    RΓ‘da bych si pΕ™ečetla tuto knihu, zda-li pak vyhraju?

  302. Isabel /// 08.13.2014 /// 3:10am

    I cannot wait to read it!!

  303. Jenna Skead /// 08.13.2014 /// 3:19am

    Im an aspiring ‘artist’ who is scared of standing out and saying it outloud. Im starting out and need some help, this book looks like it could be the thing. Plus I do love the cover:)

  304. Nicole Pietruschka /// 08.13.2014 /// 3:40am

    I would love to read it! I am just starting out and haven’t figured out yet how to actually make real business out of my creativity.

  305. Holly Elder /// 08.13.2014 /// 4:05am

    I would love a free copy! This sounds exactly like a book I will need to peruse after I graduate next week!

  306. Amira /// 08.13.2014 /// 4:32am

    fun! love the illustration style.

  307. Lucia /// 08.13.2014 /// 4:46am

    I’d love to read it!

  308. Eline /// 08.13.2014 /// 5:03am

    I would love to read this book, it might lead me to the right path. I’m a graphic design student atm and I’m dreaming of a freelance/independent artist life, so this would be perfect! πŸ™‚

  309. Jocelyn /// 08.13.2014 /// 5:21am

    As an art student and a long-time Lisa Congdon admirer, I would LOVE this! Libraries, and the books in them, will always be one of the best (if not THE best) resources… have to start building and collecting mine now!

  310. Naomi /// 08.13.2014 /// 5:37am

    I can’t wait to read this.

  311. Anita /// 08.13.2014 /// 5:50am

    Looks good!!!

  312. Stephanie /// 08.13.2014 /// 5:55am

    I am at a crossroads in my career. This could be very enlightening!

  313. Ana Botelho /// 08.13.2014 /// 6:05am

    I love Lisa’s artwork and have been following her career. Would love to transition into making art full-time as well.

  314. Lene /// 08.13.2014 /// 6:53am

    I would love to win this book, to find out if there are good hints on trying a second time. πŸ™‚

  315. iikiiniikii /// 08.13.2014 /// 6:57am

    This book would be of great help for meeee!

  316. Cris /// 08.13.2014 /// 7:24am

    it feels like this is the final push I was waiting for in order to “come out of the closet”!

    if odds make it mine, I promise I will make it happen at last☺️

    thanks to you both for the inspiration and the chance!

  317. Emma B /// 08.13.2014 /// 7:27am

    Just sat here waiting for the acrylic to dry (on my first painting that I am hoping to pursuade a local shop to sell) so I picked up my phone and fb to pass the time and bingo!, a book to help me sell painting! It must be fate.

  318. Anja E. /// 08.13.2014 /// 7:39am

    I promise to get famous with this book!!!? Well, at least I would really love to read it and make use of it… I promise that for sure!

  319. eileen tomson /// 08.13.2014 /// 7:40am

    Love Lisa’s work, and would love to have her book! Thank you Jealous Curator!

  320. Cari /// 08.13.2014 /// 7:58am

    Love Lisa’s work! Thank you!

  321. Alexis Stephenson /// 08.13.2014 /// 8:05am

    This has already given me goosebumps by just reading the intro to this beautiful book. Really hope to get my hands on a copy whether I win or not. I am an artist, first and foremost.
    So excited to get my copy!

  322. Melanie Biehle /// 08.13.2014 /// 8:05am

    Yes, please. πŸ™‚

  323. Laura Hale /// 08.13.2014 /// 8:42am

    Thanks Jealous Curator, for this opportunity and for all the great stuff you find for me!

  324. Elizabeth Dwyer /// 08.13.2014 /// 8:56am

    Would be thrilled to have your book. Constantly inspired by the universal language of all the artists, writers, animators, musicians I know. This book seems like it would help all of them to take the next step to concretize the value of their work and make some living from it. We and they, after all, cannot stop making the art we make.

  325. Morgan Gesell /// 08.13.2014 /// 9:25am

    If you don’t draw my name tomorrow night I’ll go to amazon and buy myself a copy. Either way, I can’t wait to read this book!

  326. Sarah Steele /// 08.13.2014 /// 9:43am

    So curious to read this book. Thanks for the chance to win!

  327. Liz Rodriguez /// 08.13.2014 /// 9:45am

    I have ups! I have downs! And just about EVERYTHING in between as a studio artist and would love this book!!! Love your blog!

  328. yael /// 08.13.2014 /// 9:49am

    Would love to get a copy πŸ™‚

  329. Katie Shanks /// 08.13.2014 /// 11:04am

    Never hurts to have a little help, and I’m in the process of transitioning from my primary income coming from my 9 to 5 and my creative endeavors being a side project to hopefully the other way around.

  330. Deanna Gracie /// 08.13.2014 /// 11:07am

    would love to win a copy, thanks for the opportunity : – )

  331. claire streather she is all art x /// 08.13.2014 /// 11:08am

    me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me xxxxx please xxx

  332. Mackenzie /// 08.13.2014 /// 11:15am

    Very cool looking!

  333. Cory /// 08.13.2014 /// 11:52am

    Please enter me as well.

  334. Jenipher Lyn /// 08.13.2014 /// 11:56am

    Hooray! πŸ™‚
    I’m so stoked the book is out now!

  335. Linda Ursin /// 08.13.2014 /// 12:15pm

    Very nice graphics πŸ™‚ That book seems to be exactly what I need. I’m in Norway, and it’s not that easy to get hold of info that works internationally in Norwegian. So I look for info in English instead.

  336. Sara Burr Levy /// 08.13.2014 /// 12:27pm

    I’ve got my fingers crossed…

  337. Autumn Q /// 08.13.2014 /// 12:30pm

    Oh, how I would love to have a copy of this book! Thank you for featuring it!

  338. frankie /// 08.13.2014 /// 12:31pm

    Thanks for this blog!!!

  339. sarah /// 08.13.2014 /// 12:41pm

    oooh, i would so love to win a copy! thanks for the chance πŸ™‚

  340. Rae Alexis /// 08.13.2014 /// 12:43pm

    I am SUCH a huge fan of Lisa’s! As someone who struggled as a freelance illustrator/designer for a few years and finally gave into the stability of a 9-5, I would love to read this book. I always hoped I’d go back out on my own … but it’s scary!

  341. Dan Richards /// 08.13.2014 /// 1:48pm

    Thanks for the opportunity. It’s time for me to start reading up on taking the next step.

  342. Brittany | The Home Ground /// 08.13.2014 /// 1:53pm

    Oh, I can’t wait to get my hands on this book!! Thank you so much for giving away a copy, you’re the best!

  343. Trudy /// 08.13.2014 /// 2:08pm

    YES YES YES, please πŸ˜€
    because I know for sure that I can use all the advice from this book!

  344. Rachel /// 08.13.2014 /// 2:10pm

    Love Lisa Congdon’s work! I can only imagine the wealth of knowledge she has to share. Thank you for this blog. I always love your posts.

  345. Angela /// 08.13.2014 /// 2:28pm

    Excited to read this book. As a blossoming new artist, I think having concrete and practical information for creating a sustainable life is the substance of the solid ground to build the creative home.

    Thank you for all of the interesting things that your blog leads me to.

  346. Ronda /// 08.13.2014 /// 2:56pm

    I’m so ready to take this step. Pick me! Pick me! πŸ™‚

  347. courtney finley /// 08.13.2014 /// 3:58pm

    I would live this! I’m ready for this step!

  348. Lina /// 08.13.2014 /// 4:16pm

    As someone who is currently starting to support herself on her art alone, I would love to have a copy of this. And as a bonus, I’m too broke to afford it! πŸ˜€ Hopefully I get lucky.

  349. RenΓ©e Michel /// 08.13.2014 /// 5:13pm

    I would love this book! I am sure it has the information I need to further my gallery.

  350. Meadow /// 08.13.2014 /// 6:19pm

    Looking forward to reading this!

  351. Linda Thornton /// 08.13.2014 /// 6:23pm

    Looking for just this information

  352. brenda /// 08.13.2014 /// 6:35pm

    Thanks for this post. Love the chance to win a copy of this book. Very timely as I type in a mad fury with wet paint all over my hands πŸ™‚

  353. Jenny /// 08.13.2014 /// 6:38pm

    This would be just the inspiration I need, it would absolutely make my day to win this!
    Love Jenny from Melbourne

  354. Kendra /// 08.13.2014 /// 7:07pm

    I totally want this book!

  355. Mary /// 08.13.2014 /// 7:13pm

    I would love to read this book and put the advice to work!

  356. Yana Rodin /// 08.13.2014 /// 7:33pm

    Kendra said your book was great and I would love a copy. Thanks, Yana

  357. Marisa Mary Myrah /// 08.13.2014 /// 10:11pm

    Please please please

  358. Jen /// 08.13.2014 /// 10:31pm

    I can’t wait to read this!

  359. Anja /// 08.13.2014 /// 10:33pm

    I really need this book! it looks great! Beeing an artist is not only about being skilled and creative, the business part of it is something so essential that they “forgot” to teach us in art school.

  360. Anne /// 08.13.2014 /// 11:08pm

    Been waiting for this book to come out!! Would love love love to win πŸ™‚

  361. Leonie /// 08.13.2014 /// 11:17pm

    Practical business advice for the artsy fartsy that’ll make your eyeballs smile- yes please!

  362. Emma Field /// 08.13.2014 /// 11:56pm

    I would absolutely love a copy of this book!

  363. Lindsey Spinks /// 08.14.2014 /// 12:33am

    I would love a copy of this! thanks for doing the giveaway!

  364. Adri H. /// 08.14.2014 /// 2:24am

    Oooh! I’d love to see what Lisa Congdon has to say about being an artist. Sounds informative!! Thanks for running this giveaway!

  365. Marcia /// 08.14.2014 /// 4:21am

    After 30 years of painting for myself and giving away what I make, I have an idea to make a five year plan to become a full time professional artist. I don’t even know where to begin having moved to a new community and finding no resources for new artists. Part of that not-yet-developed plan would include creating opportunities/a venue for young people to show their art annually or semi-annually working with area schools and using themes that support curriculum and the history or geography of the community. I’d love to win your “extra” copy. Thank you, Jealous Curator!

  366. elizabeth /// 08.14.2014 /// 4:45am

    this would be so helpful as a student who faces doubt externally and internally about choosing to pursue a career in the arts!

  367. Amy /// 08.14.2014 /// 5:49am

    What a great giveaway- thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of this amazing book. I’m currently trying to work as an artist and build up a business so this would be such a valuable addition. Fingers crossed! πŸ™‚

  368. Vanessa /// 08.14.2014 /// 5:56am

    Hey, my biggest question that I haven’t found touched on in this book… how to deal with frustration and doubt? Yes, I am an artist, but there are so many out there, I get doubtful of myself and my work… I think a lot of people struggle with this insecurity at one point or another. Would love to see a series based on this question πŸ™‚ just saying.

  369. Ashley /// 08.14.2014 /// 6:20am

    I would totally dig a copy. Sounds like a great read.

  370. Sal Lolicato /// 08.14.2014 /// 6:50am

    Perfect timing… We all need guidance in this area of our Art lives!! THANKYOU

  371. Bren /// 08.14.2014 /// 12:46pm

    I would love to utilize the book as I navigate my journey as an artist. Thank you for a beautiful, inspiring blog.

  372. Annie Bachand /// 08.14.2014 /// 8:09pm

    I am an artist.
    (And I’m sure this book can help me to become a more better business/mother/women :))

  373. Kim /// 08.16.2014 /// 3:03am

    You’re so wonderfully generous! I’d love a copy too.

  374. Marie Helene Pierre /// 08.22.2014 /// 4:59am

    THANKS for the tip !!!! I bought this book on iTunes and I can’t stop reading. It’s really helpful in new carrer and give me hopeful in my success .

    Merci Merci Merci Danielle,

    Marie Helene Pierre

  375. the jealous curator /// 08.23.2014 /// 7:52am

    oh great! it’s so good, isn’t it! : )

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