naomi vona

These are the original mixed media works of Naomi Vona. She’s an Italian artist living in Dublin, and I had the great pleasure of meeting her when I was there a few weeks ago. We had a few minutes to talk, and I asked her about these pieces. She buys vintage photographs from people all over the world… sometimes just one tiny photograph, sometimes a whole package… and then she gets to work! She draws, paints and collages right on top these little pieces of personal history. I’d be scared of “making a mistake”, but not Naomi! Her portfolio has hundreds of these creative interventions. The fancy masks are my favorite {can you tell?!}… they add even more mystery to these already mysterious images.

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  1. Featured – The Jealous Curator & More | purple woods /// 12.03.2014 /// 12:03am

    […] Art Collections, you can find it here and here. My artworks were also mentioned on Ignant and The Jealous Curator blogs. I was really surprised and happy. Thanks a […]

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