“comfort zones, and lack thereof”


Wow. We’re already at episode no.3 of ART FOR YOUR EAR! Today I’m talking to LA based photographer, the very sweet and lovely, Stephanie Vovas… I’m pushing her out of her comfort zone with this whole podcast thing, but it’s payback… you’ll see/hear why! Everything we talk about in this episode is shown here so that you can follow along while we’re chatting. Most of it won’t make sense unless you listen, so just click ‘play’ right up there {see, just under the gorgeous pregnant lady in a fur coat}, and you can also subscribe on iTunes. Ready? Go!






The brilliant, visionary, art loving Managing Director of Land of Nod, Michelle Kohanzo pushed Stephanie right out of her comfort zone for this amazing project:



… and, we both have a thing for Johnny Depp in Blow. This could be a Stephanie Vovas shot, no?!


And that’s it! Thanks so much to Xanadu Stephanie for putting her nerves aside to do this with me! Doesn’t she have the cutest voice and the best laugh? Episode no.4 will be up next Saturday… see you then.

ps. Here is some proof that I got “Vovas’d”. I pushed myself waaaay out of my comfort zone to do this shoot with Stephanie – I can’t even believe this is me to be totally honest. I’m also out of my comfort zone posting these, but it seems only fair given how nervous she was to do the podcast! Now we’re tied.


Oh boy.

comments (15)

  1. stephanie /// 06.06.2015 /// 12:52am

    Ahhh! So much to say D, but most of all, thank you for having me be on your groovy wonderful podcast. You are magical, I love you even though you pushed me out of my comfort zone, haha. We are even! And you truly are the greatest. xox steph

  2. Sandra Harris /// 06.06.2015 /// 6:19am

    Your podcast is amazing! And so “you”. Now everyone gets to experience the fun that is chatting/having coffee with you!!!

    Hey everyone reading – get over to iTunes and review this podcast! Show Danielle some tangible ratings love.

  3. the jealous curator /// 06.06.2015 /// 8:36am

    oh, thanks so much sandra! xoxo and stephanie… thank YOU so much for doing this with me. i know you realllllly didn’t want to, so i’m glad you went for it anyway! xo

  4. Vicki /// 06.06.2015 /// 10:56am

    Great interview! Three for three 🙂

  5. Amy Tingle /// 06.06.2015 /// 7:30pm

    Those Land of Nod pics totally remind me of Moonrise Kingdom, which is my all-time favorite movie and Camp Wandawega is on my bucket list! Brava once again for another awesome, inspiring podcast. (And Stephanie’s voice is super dreamy.)

  6. the jealous curator /// 06.07.2015 /// 8:20am

    yes! totally moonrise kingdom… with a little extra bit of glam! thanks for the very sweet comments everyone! xo

  7. tijana /// 06.07.2015 /// 2:22pm

    looooovin this hard…

    been thinking recently about stephanie and the amazing talk you all had out in LA like a year ago. really really really love stephanie’s work, and all the kind and inspirational things you each shared.


  8. tijana /// 06.07.2015 /// 2:28pm

    ps do over + 4 drinks is a great idea 🙂

  9. tijana /// 06.07.2015 /// 2:30pm

    (sorry for comment number 3, but)

    i mean, round 2!!! no do over necessary, your shot is beautiful.

  10. Jessica Amos /// 06.07.2015 /// 3:10pm

    I am totally loving your podcast and these post-podcast commentaries with images. You are f-ing fantastic Danielle! And thank you Stephanie for stepping outside your comfort zone – we’re all benefiting immensely 🙂 xo

  11. the jealous curator /// 06.07.2015 /// 4:30pm

    ha! thanks jessica! xoxo and tijana, thank you, but i do want a do-over… and i’m gonna drink the champagne next time!!! ; )

  12. Nicole Garton /// 06.10.2015 /// 7:01pm

    What a babe! Now I want to get Vovas’d!

  13. Heidi Lanino Bilezikian /// 04.16.2016 /// 11:13am

    …such a great podcast, thank you both for sharing.
    Stephanie’s photographs are amazing, I love the feeling that each image evokes.

    can’t wait to watch Blow.

  14. Heidi Lanino Bilezikian /// 04.16.2016 /// 11:16am

    also I have always loved land of nod, now i really love them! such art

  15. Christine Aaron /// 03.27.2021 /// 8:01pm

    So I learned about your podcast last year…a real salve during a tumultuous and awful year(esp here in the States!). And so now I am going to work my way through ALL the episodes. Really enjoyed this one, and especially loved the range from kids to Playboy! And you were very brave Danielle…the images look great, particularly the one on the shaft of sunlight.


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