lori larusso


Yes. This is exactly what I hope the next two weeks looks like! This is the decadent work {acrylic and enamel on panel} of American artist Lori Larusso. I wrote about her “shapes” series way back in 2013, but when I found these vintage treats I knew they were the perfect way to say farewell to 2015! And with that, I’m off to eat sugary treats and drink warm beverages with my little family, and I hope you’ll be doing the same… I’ll meet you right back here in January. Have a wonderful, restful, creative, cake-filled holiday ~ danielle xo

ps. So, I’ve decided to make one quick collage every day over the holidays {I’ll post some of them – good or bad – on Instagram}. I’ve never given myself a daily challenge before, and I think it’s finally time. Wanna do it too? 

comments (9)

  1. Marianne Clancy /// 12.21.2015 /// 9:07am

    gorgeous assortment of treat paintings. such skill and style! Wishing you and yours the best of the rest, of 2015, and a art-filled New Year ahead!

  2. Kimberly Santini /// 12.21.2015 /// 9:58am

    I am on board with daily creation, even though we are supposed to be on vaca. My brain never stops putting things together and tracing brushmarks. I am with you! Merry Christmas and see you in IG!

  3. brandi marie /// 12.22.2015 /// 8:22am

    That deer cake? I need it! Love these.

  4. Mary Jo Major /// 12.22.2015 /// 9:54am

    Love this idea! I don’t know if I’ll be able to do this over Xmas break, but I may do it the first two weeks of January! I love the aqua background piece of Lori’s and I feel like I need to eat dessert while making some collages now….looking forward to reading you in 2016 and your wonderful collages on IG 🙂

  5. tijana /// 12.24.2015 /// 5:10pm


  6. Cecile /// 12.27.2015 /// 2:13pm

    I just watched your April 3rd “Humble Pie” talk on Creative Mornings. It was very interesting, and nice to put a face on your voice!

  7. the jealous curator /// 12.27.2015 /// 8:50pm

    oh, thanks cecile! that was a fun event (i was beyond nervous)

  8. massimo /// 12.28.2015 /// 3:55am


  9. alice /// 12.28.2015 /// 7:36am

    I love, love, love Lori Larusso’s work!

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