severija inčirauskaitė-kriaunevičienė


Actual helmets – from various wars and several countries – that have been hand-embroidered with delicate flowers. This series, titled, “Kill(ed) for Peace”, is the powerful and beautiful work of Lithuanian artist Severija Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė. I got chills when I saw them, and this is why…

I have been so overwhelmed by, well, the general state of world. I feel nauseous every time we have to come up with a new hashtag to #prayformorevictims. I’m not sure what to say, how to say it, when to say it. I’m Canadian so I can’t make my voice heard by voting in the US election {I would if they’d let me, so if you can PLEASE DO}, and I can’t call a US Senator about gun control {I would if they’d take my call}. But the main thing I can’t do is this… I cannot even begin to make sense of the terrible attacks that are bringing heartache and pain to so many cities, families, and communities. You come here for art, I totally get that, but sometimes my artsy posts seem so frivolous in the social media news feeds compared to the shocking, upsetting, and absolutely devastating events that are taking place all over the planet. Yes, I want to deliver happiness, beauty, and the work of talented artists, but I also want to take a moment to say how much my heart breaks every time a horrific piece of news is reported.

And so here we are today. When I found Severija’s work, I wanted to share it immediately. Sometimes it feels like there’s not much I can do from my tiny corner of the world, but I know that sitting here silently isn’t doing anything at all. I can be one voice that says, ENOUGH. We are smarter than this. We are better than this. We are all human. Enough.

comments (17)

  1. simone /// 07.22.2016 /// 6:33am

    Danielle, Thank you for introducing me to Severija. Her work is amazing and beautiful and touching. I am inspired….

  2. simone /// 07.22.2016 /// 6:35am

    I hope you get a chance to interview her for your podcast.

  3. the jealous curator /// 07.22.2016 /// 7:26am

    me too : )

  4. Lesley Frenz /// 07.22.2016 /// 9:49am

    I second the request to have her on your podcast. I’ve seen some really powerful shows lately that have punched me in the gut, reminding me of the power the arts possess in telling the stories that need to be heard and remembered.

  5. Terra /// 07.22.2016 /// 9:54am

    Well said, Danielle, well said.

  6. Tracy Fillion /// 07.22.2016 /// 10:09am

    Thank you for sharing this beautful and poignant work and thank you for sharing Art on a daily basis. Your posts are like a breath of fresh air in this world that seems to grow increasingly dark.
    They are necessary and far from frivolous!

  7. the jealous curator /// 07.22.2016 /// 10:44am

    thank you tracy – and you’re right, frivolous is totally the wrong word (i certainly don’t think that of the artists’ work). i suppose i was feeling like i was burying my head in the sand a bit by carrying on with business as usual – which of course i will still do – just needed to say something. just something.

  8. Hilda Kleiman /// 07.22.2016 /// 1:22pm

    Thank you, Danielle, for this post and for all of your art-related work. Art in all of its forms helps us to address tragedy, which l think makes a difference in ways that we may never fully understand. It helps to keep us human.

  9. Ela doe /// 07.22.2016 /// 8:37pm

    Thank you for this post and your paragraph about peace. Vote, yes Americans we can. I third the request to have her on your podcast:).

  10. Gay Saunders /// 07.23.2016 /// 1:20am

    Many, many of us around the world feel the same way Danielle.
    Thanks so much for sharing what most of us are thinking and feeling!

  11. Elsbeth Kooyman /// 07.24.2016 /// 5:05am

    Thank you, Danielle, for bringing us Severija’s powerful work. It really made my heart ache.
    And yes, you are right, what in heaven’s name can one do about all the hate and hurt in the world? At least say ENOUGH! We can form a ripple that will touch the far off shore.

  12. the jealous curator /// 07.24.2016 /// 7:55am

    i hope so xo

  13. Caitlin Alderfer /// 07.28.2016 /// 2:02pm

    Wow, this post gave me chills. What a beautiful and poignant way to discuss the horrors in this country today. I am so deeply saddened, but Severija’s work reminds me to have hope for peace. As always, thank you Danielle, for inspiring and moving me, even in the darkest of times.

  14. Ingrid Bowen /// 07.29.2016 /// 3:56am

    What poignant work, and a touching and sensitive response from you, Danielle.
    Haunting and hopeful in the same breath.

  15. Heart, It's time to Rest - Glisten & Grace /// 07.29.2016 /// 10:06am

    […] work of Severija Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė will give you chills. Such a powerful moment for the world we live in. If you have ever wondered […]

  16. Tristesse Seeliger /// 07.30.2016 /// 2:07pm


  17. When the world is falling apart: art that gives me hope in humanityEveryday Artistry /// 08.02.2016 /// 10:37am

    […] that carries a powerful message of […]

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