huntz liu


Paper. PAPER! I wrote about LA based artist Huntz Liu almost exactly one year ago to the day. Well, he’s been busy since then! Oh so many stunning, beautifully cut, colorful layers. Sigh. He’s part of a gorgeous two-person show with Michelle Benoit, titled “Dive In”, at the Muriel Guepin Gallery in New York. It opens this Friday, January 6th and runs until February 11th… so if you’re in New York, go look at those lovely layers in person! ps. Huntz will be at the opening, all the way from LA.

comments (5)

  1. Caren /// 01.04.2017 /// 7:25am

    Paper, Wow! I thought they were colored bits of wood. Very Cool!

  2. Artist Creates Geometric Paper Reliefs Reminiscent of Cut Diamonds | strictlypaper /// 01.04.2017 /// 8:57am

    […] via The Jealous Curator […]

  3. Pamela Cupit /// 01.04.2017 /// 4:16pm

    Oh yes, I really love this. So clever.

  4. Nikkie /// 01.07.2017 /// 11:02am

    yes, i thought they were wood shapes too! this is amazing art and a wonderful surprise! my fav is the one with the corner peeled back.

  5. CraftyHope /// 01.11.2017 /// 11:42am

    Oh wow! That’s super impressive and so very inspiring. Thanks for spreading the awesomeness!

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