“if i’m in the zone, leave me alone”


BOOM! The first time I saw the work of Los Angeles based artist Samantha Fields, I thought “Wow, amazing photographs!” … until, of course, I realized that they were paintings. Yeah, PAINTINGS. Sam airbrushes layers and layers and layers and layers of misty paint to create the most ethereal, absolutely stunning work. You can listen up there right under that sky full o’ fireworks, or you can subscribe on iTunes.

First up, some of her latest work along with a peek into her studio/her process:


There’s Baby at work – that’s Sam’s airbrush, not my nickname for her! Wow. She wasn’t kidding about all of those layers and her minimal studio. It would have to be, otherwise all of her trinkets and plants would be covered in a thick layer of paint, eventually.

Alright, these pieces are from Sam’s storm chasing days… her poor mother.


See! Proof… Sam in the middle of a highway just lookin’ for trouble to paint!

Again, more proof. The wildfires of California that called her name every time a new blaze broke out:


Destruction and beauty, rolled elegantly into one image.

This was such a good story! When Sam set off to document the aftermath of the Mount St. Helens volcanic eruption, but instead found, well, FOG:


Gasp! Who knew fog could be so absolutely beautiful! Thank goodness for happy accidents. I had to include this close-up… it still doesn’t do her work justice, but at least you can begin to see the “wisps” of paint. When she said she “paints atmosphere with atmosphere” she meant it.

Ah, next… the rainy highway paintings. These were some of the first pieces of Sam’s I ever saw. And yes, I totally thought they were photographs:


Right!?  They make my heart skip a beat.

Now, usually I start these posts with my favorite pieces, but today I’m ending the post that way. Sam’s fireworks. Oh. My. Goodness.


I can almost smell the smoke, and hear those chest-thumping BOOMS echoing through LA’s hills. I cannot imagine being able to paint like this, let alone with an airbrush named ‘Baby’. Sigh. I’m so glad Sam was able to do this with me. She’s insightful, determined, and creative to the core; thank you to Saatchi Art for supporting episode 91; and thanks to YOU for listening! There will be more art for your ear next weekend.

ps. Here are a few pieces from the portfolio of Sam’s very talented husband, Andre Yi:


Other links:

  1. Aaron Smith Episode
  2. Ashley Mistriel Episode
  3. Sam’s work at Good Eye Gallery, LA
  4. Cranbrook Academy of Art
  5. Beverly Fishman
  6. Cal. State Northridge
  7. Charles & Ray Eames
  8. Museum of Art & History, Lancaster (Sam’s retrospective show will be here)
  9. Traywick Contemporary (Sam’s LA Gallery)
  10. Mr & Mrs Exquisite Corpse


comments (17)

  1. em /// 03.10.2017 /// 10:44pm

    uggh…this is what I was trying to do and failed at so miserably! She nailed though and these paintings are l o v e l y. I was playing with airbrushing and playing with painting nighttime lights separately but never thought to connect them! sigh…

  2. Jen /// 03.11.2017 /// 10:07am

    This was an amazing interview – I loved everything about it. Hearing Samantha talk about how she conceptualizes her work and the meaning behind it was really instructive.

  3. Ande Hall /// 03.11.2017 /// 5:59pm

    Love how her husband’s art couldn’t be more different than hers!

  4. Julie /// 03.12.2017 /// 7:58am

    Amazing! You can hear Samantha’s passion in her voice!!
    but… NO NO NO NO NO!! You cant stop the podcast 🙁 Its one of my favourite listens of the week! x

  5. Sticks + Ink /// 03.12.2017 /// 11:15am

    I’ve just finished listening to this episode and loved it! So inspiring to hear how Samantha is so disciplined with her studio time and thank you for including her husbands work – totally completes the picture! 🙂

  6. Luke /// 03.12.2017 /// 9:11pm

    yer lenz is fogy..

  7. gemma gene /// 03.13.2017 /// 8:14am

    There will be no more art for your ears after episode 100??!! Worst news ever!!! What are we supposed to listen to now? :'( I am so sad, this is the best podcast ever

  8. the jealous curator /// 03.13.2017 /// 8:55am

    don’t worry gemma! there will still be something in your ear… just not sure about the format? or maybe i just need the summer off to recharge and line up more people. i’m as obsessed with the podcast as you, i promise! xo

  9. Shachi /// 03.15.2017 /// 10:05am

    My heart sank when I heard no more art for your ear! I work alone in my studio so not only is it isolated (I love that) but the best part is that I get to hear the amaaaazing interviews you do, while I work. It almost seems like I have a couple of friends sitting on my couch and thankfully I don’t have to participate, but it’s so wonderful to listen to them talk! And the talks! They have been funny, insightful, inspiring, heartbreaking and more. You have such a gift for interviewing. Please please take your break but come back with something!!! For us lonely artists who really count on you to not go cuckoo!!!

  10. the jealous curator /// 03.15.2017 /// 10:21am

    i won’t leave you alone i promise! i just need to figure out if this is the right format to keep going with, or if i should shake things up, of if i just need the summer off 😉 stay tuned! i’ll be back on your couch in no time!

  11. Jenny Phillips /// 03.17.2017 /// 6:02am

    I love this interview! It was filled with passion and insights like many of your interviews. Samantha’s work is amazing and if I had gone to art school I would want her and Aaron as my teachers. Thank you for filling my ears with inspiration each week – it’s been invaluable. I’m anxiously awaiting what’s next for you.

  12. Berta /// 03.19.2017 /// 12:03pm

    The last 3 episodes kept me company during my 4 hour road trip home today. I was shocked to hear you want to change things up on the podcast, but not surprised. Every great podcast goes through a transformation. Thank you for all your work on the website and podcast. And for introducing me to amazing artists. I discovered Stephanie Vovas on your website and just recently purchased one of her works for my home.

    I was excited to pullover today so I could see Samantha’s art. WOW!!!!! Stunningly beautiful. Her interview was entertaining and informative. Loved hearing about her evolution and process as an artist.

  13. Jan Little /// 03.19.2017 /// 3:07pm

    Loved this episode! I had a negative idea of airbrush art before listening and now I TOTALLY want a ‘baby’ of my own!

  14. dannie liebergot /// 03.22.2017 /// 11:06am

    Your podcast has been such a treat for me to listen to. I have been following along since day 1 and I enjoy every episode! please don’t quit AFYE! Just throwing it out there: video interviews would be interesting to see! Let’s see how you feel after a break. 🙂 Don’t leave us! Can I also throw in that you might enjoy interviewing Dornith Doherty?, a photographer from Texas.

  15. leigh hannan /// 05.11.2017 /// 8:27am

    ok, I have been binge listening to the podcast for the past few months, and I just am totally verklempt (how often do you get to use that word, really?) that you are stopping the podcast. BUT, I read the comments and see that you aren’t totally leaving, so, *whew*. You are much too gifted as and artist, interviewer, and someone who champions others, and we need you! I look forward to what you come up with next, I know it’ll be amazing! Thank you, Danielle, for all that you do for us. Geez, I’m such a fangirl, I’m embarrassing myself!!!

  16. the jealous curator /// 05.11.2017 /// 11:26am

    haha! nothin’ wrong with a little fangirling on a thursday! thanks leigh 🙂

  17. Looking At Clouds From Both Sides Now! | OH THE ART PLACES WE CAN GO /// 07.29.2017 /// 2:47pm

    […] To top it off  my new blog obsession, The Jealous Curator, posted some paintings of clouds by Samantha Fields that look just like photographs.  So, I think the universe is trying to tell me that I should […]


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