amy joy watson

Oh my goodness, yes. This is an installation by Australian artist Amy Joy Watson. I’ve written about her sculptures twice before {2014, 2011} but I just came across this public installation … and yes, I love it! Plywood, acrylic paint, colored rope, and stainless steel cables come together to create“Celestial Bodies”. Gorgeous! This work is now a permanent public artwork at the Australian Catholic University in the Daniel Mannix Building, Melbourne. Stunning.

*Photos by Lisbeth Grosmann

comments (7)

  1. Sabine S. from Germany /// 01.30.2018 /// 2:21am

    ♥ ♥ ♥
    many ♡ ly greetings sent by
    Sabine from WO(rms) in Germany

  2. Kathy Stewart /// 01.30.2018 /// 10:42pm

    This sets my heart all a flutter

  3. the jealous curator /// 01.31.2018 /// 7:36am

    me too

  4. Nikkie /// 02.03.2018 /// 10:36am

    so wonderful!

  5. Jessica Molnar /// 02.04.2018 /// 10:42am

    I love it!

  6. Avantia Damberg /// 02.05.2018 /// 7:34pm

    This is stunning indeed. Very inspiring!

  7. Jeroen Stok /// 04.19.2020 /// 3:00am

    Very nice and inspiring work!!!

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