frida fjellman

Gasp! Bouquets of light-filled crystals hanging from gold chains… LOVE! These breathtaking pieces are the work of Stockholm based artist Frida Fjellman. You can see some of Frida’s colorful crystals right now in … “New Glass Now”featuring works by 100 living artists working in glass today, at The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning New York : May 12, 2019 – January 5, 2020 / Contemporary Art + Design Galleries.

ps. These beauties are her most recent work, but go check out her site… it’s filled with all sorts of amazingness, from glass foxes to lightening bolts, hence the fab bio photo in her studio above {photo by Camilla Lindqvist}

comments (3)

  1. leigh hannan /// 05.21.2019 /// 6:05am

    I love these! I also love her green shoes!

  2. the jealous curator /// 05.21.2019 /// 6:17pm


  3. Holly Tarquinio /// 05.23.2019 /// 10:10am

    These are spectacular. I clicked over to her sight and was wow’d even more. Beautiful work! Thanks for guiding us to her.

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