“ask martha”

Ahhh, one of my very first art crushes… Philadelphia based artist, illustrator and teacher Martha Rich! Today’s we’re diving into, “Ask Martha – it’s like Dear Abby but not at all like Dear Abby.” Basically I invented this segment because I looooove asking Martha questions. Her answers are usually hilarious, she’s super smart, AND she has a really inspiring attitude when it comes to life. You’ll see what I mean when I ask her the questions that you guys sent in. Yep, I asked my Instagram crowd to send in some questions, and you did! I picked 5 or 6 of them – some serious, some silly and then I followed the whole thing up with a bunch of really dumb trivia questions, because listening to Martha answer trivia is hilarious. You’re welcome. You can listen right up there under “log head” (aka the photo I took of Martha while our show was being installed in Joshua Tree a few weeks ago), or subscribe on iTunes. ps. My intro is all about creating your own visual vocabulary!

First up, a couple of quick snap shots from the opening of “Crush It”, a group show at Hey There Projects in Joshua Tree featuring Martha, Bruce Lee (far right), and me! ps. The show is up until December 13, 2019:

“Double doink”. Yeah, I’m not sure what’s happening here, but it made me laugh so I threw it in! That’s me and Martha with Aaron Smith (left) and Mark Todd (right), the founders of Hey There, both of whom are fabulous artists and teachers at ArtCenter in Pasadena. Hm, maybe the “double doink” is for all the name dropping I just did! Ok, moving on…

Here’s just a little taste of the work Martha’s being doing lately, and yes, I love it all:

Donna Did It. Hahahaha! Oooh, and all of that pink FURY up there is a perfect lead into this:

YES! Martha’s new book, “The Furious Notebook”, perfect for “releasing your rage” and “chilling the heck out”. I held this furious little beauty in my hands when we were together last week, and not only is it filled with Martha Rich fantastic-ness, it’s also very helpful in the current political climate. Blarg. Anyway, let’s not dwell on that. Here’s a peek at the mural Martha is finishing up on Monday at the airport in Philadelphia:

Um, hello “selfie-opportunity” while waiting for your flight! I like the blue guy and his yellow beard. I hope he finds his missing dipping sauce. ??? (This is why I love her).

Now, I’m sure you were interested in this part of our conversation. BlueQ and Martha have been working together for a few years now, turning her artwork into bags, coin purses, socks, oven mitts, and PASSIVE INCOME:

So. Good. ps. I buy that “Random Crap” bag for people all the time. Hilarious, because it’s true.

Next, this is the fabulous artist Martha named as one of her faves, and the woman she’d love to have paint her portrait. California based artist Georganne Deen:

Oh my word, love love love! Okay, well now I need to see what “Martha Rich by Georganne Deen” would look like.

And finally, because she brought up the pineapple glasses, I have a perfect excuse to pop this beauty into the post as the final image:

Luv ya, mean it. Seriously, I’m so glad my art crush from eleven years ago turned into a really wonderful friendship with an incredible woman. Thanks so much to Martha for answering all of my questions – even the dumb trivia about cow graffiti in Texas; Thanks to THRIVE for being such a fantastic partner; and of course, thank YOU for listening. There will not actually be a new art for your ear next weekend. Saturday November 30th marks the one year anniversary of losing my dad, and I’ve decided to give myself the weekend to just be still. I’ll be back the following weekend though with Esther Pearl Watson, and she’s bringing a whole bunch of weird ‘n wonderful stories from art history. See you then ~ Danielle

Links from my intro:

  1. The Artist’s Way, book
  2. Kirstin Lamb, Episode no. 54
  3. Meghan Hildebrand, Episode no. 97
  4. Mando Marie, Episode no. 100
  5. Martha’s current show at Webb Gallery, TX (up until mid Dec)


comments (13)

  1. Hannah /// 11.25.2019 /// 8:34am

    so crazy!! I own the exact pair of socks you’ve featured and I had no idea who made them. Her work is so much fun, I’m so glad that I own a little piece of it! 🙂

  2. the jealous curator /// 11.26.2019 /// 6:11am

    art for your feet!

  3. Amy Maricle /// 11.27.2019 /// 8:31am

    Hey Danielle: I’ve been loving Martha’s work on BLUE Q products for ages! I’ve got the socks here, the bag – all of it! I even bought the random crap bag for my mother in law, she loved it, but she’s so polite she used a sharpie to cover up the words! HA! Thanks for sharing about such a fun and empowering artist!

  4. the jealous curator /// 11.27.2019 /// 8:31am

    hahaha!!! that’s HILARIOUS!

  5. Michael Joyal /// 11.27.2019 /// 8:39am

    I want to fall in love with a small town clammer. So much wisdom and humour here!!!

  6. Michael Joyal /// 11.27.2019 /// 9:20am

    PS – As I finished this episode, I wanted to let you know I DID eat a chocolate croissant and strong coffee while listening to the brilliant humour of Krysa & Rich (new 80s pop band?). Now I want to make a painting of a graffiti covered cow. Will let you know when I do so!

  7. Tracey-Lea Morgan /// 11.27.2019 /// 4:59pm

    at – the very thought of creating a list of visual vocabulary both excites me (LISTS!!) and terrifies me (what the heck is MY vocabulary) but I’m gonna do it. Great episode thank you

  8. the jealous curator /// 11.27.2019 /// 8:37pm

    that’s why you need the coffee and chocolate 🙂 … take your time. you might not finish the list on your first attempt, but get it started!

  9. Ann /// 12.02.2019 /// 8:20am

    So great to see a Phila artist here! I have seen Martha’s work in a U of Penn’s alum magazine! Just love her work so much!

  10. Jill Cucci Smith /// 12.27.2019 /// 5:53am

    Hey! I just discovered you and I have an hour plus drive to work so we’ve connected! Awesome stuff! I’ve written my list and am working on a visual chart- have lots of squares and filling them with the visual version of the list. It’s amazing- will hang in my new studio over main work table. Thanks!

  11. the jealous curator /// 12.27.2019 /// 12:29pm

    yay! love to hear that jill!

  12. Anne Oldenhuis /// 07.17.2020 /// 5:32am

    I love your podcasts! Re-listening this one again. Your info on the visual vocabulary again. So good! Thank you so much! I like listening to your podcasts while doing the work!

  13. the jealous curator /// 07.17.2020 /// 6:48am

    thanks anne!


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