“pennylane made me cry”

Yep, she does that to a lot of artists actually – not on purpose, of course – it just kinda happens. Artist consultant extraordinaire, Pennylane Shen is back on the podcast! Last time she was on we did a segment titled, “Pennylane Calls Bullshit”, but today she’s going to share the four biggest reasons people tend to cry when she shows up in their studios. I have a feeling all of you will relate to at least one of the reasons, if not all four. You can listen just right up there under an artsy chicken-or-egg situation {Okay, the photo of Penny and the plates – by Robert Therrien – came first, which then inspired the drawing of Pennylane to be included in a mural by Vancouver’s “Phantoms In The Front Yard” collective. LOVE!}. Oh, or you can also subscribe to the podcast right here.

See? Photos of Penny looking at art, inspires more art. AND, not only does she know how to look at / talk about art, she also knows exactly how to stand in front it:

They’re all so artsy and poetic! {Artists above: 1. Rajni Perera ; 2. Marigold Santos ; 3. Rudolf Stingel ; 4. Jenny Saville ; 5. Yayoi Kusama ; 6. Richard Serra at Museum Voorlinden, NLNote to self: don’t look straight at the camera and say CHEESE. I tried to do that during the Vancouver Mural Festival, but Pennylane made me climb a ladder and gaze off into the distance:

Worked like a frickin’ charm! And look, there’s even a little Liz looking up at me from the bottom of the shot… LOVE. Thank you so much to Pennylane for A. not making me cry today, and B. for being so generous with her time and information. Speaking of which, clearly I had to include a link to the “recipe” for those chip cookies… it’s in the list of links below. Thank you to the Thrive Network for supporting this episode, and huge thanks to you for listening!

Other links:

  1. Thrive Network
  2. Pennylane on Instagram
  3. TedX Nashville
  4. “Shit Arlo Says”, Modfellows Gallery March 22
  5. Chocolate/Potato Chip clusters … I mean, WHAT?


comments (1)

  1. Julia /// 02.29.2020 /// 5:08am

    I find it very disturbing that the artist featured in photo 6 above is not credited by name as the other artists are. For the record, the artwork in photo 6 is by Richard Serra, one of our greatest living artists. Although people might differ on this, I do not find it appropriate to physically lean against a work of art as Penny has in this photo. It is disrespectful and potentially destructive.


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