“microwave cooking for one”

Mmmm, donuts and hugs… I’ll take a dozen of each, please. Today’s episode is really just me chatting with my amazing, funny, smart talented friend, Philadelphia based artist Martha Rich. We used to talk on Skype all the time when we were working on “Your Inner Critic Is A Big Jerk”, so I honestly kinda forgot we were recording… sooooo for those of you who tell me you like the episodes that make you feel like you’re eavesdropping on two artists talking in a café – pour yourself a coffee, hug a chocolate donut, close your eyes, and pretend you’re out at your favorite coffee shop listening in. You can listen right up there under that sprinkle-covered goodness, or subscribe right here.

First, an example of the pointy petal, cut paper pieces Martha’s been working on lately:

Loooooove. Also, the title of that piece? Yep, I LOVE that too. Plan accordingly, people.

Oooh, and here are a few grabs from her illustration job in New York Times Magazine:

She’s so good. And to all of you Americans out there, what does Martha want you to do? …

Yep. Ask your senators to make sure the November 2020 election happens!

And, I had to include this:

Hahaha! Yep, Martha and her voiceless cat, Mack, in her glass doorway. The two B&W photos are from a new series that her friend, photographer Andrea Cipriani Mecch, is doing in Philadelphia right now titled #FamilyAtADistance. The first one is Martha’s official photo, the second is clearly the most perfect outtake ever! AND, look, she’s really doing it… the paper installation on her door is underway {hm, I really should get my box of clay out at some point.} Thanks so much to Martha for hanging out with us for an hour, and thanks to you for listening! There will be more ART FOR YOUR EAR next weekend.

Other links:

  1. Fiskars Ring Knife 
  2. Beauty is Embarrassing {Wayne White Documentary}
  3. Mimi Pond, Artist
  4. More movies I mentioned: FurFrida 
  5. Movies I forgot to mention : Finding Vivian Maier / Big Eyes / Saving Banksy / Kusama Infinity
  6. Photo of Martha above: #FamilyAtADistance : Photo series by Andrea Cipriani Mecch


comments (5)

  1. Monica Bennett /// 04.04.2020 /// 3:07pm

    A pro-photographer mom here on Pender Island is taking photos of us rural residents in various states of dress and outfits in driveways, on porches, in gardens, keeping the 6 foot physical rule of course. It’s her Pender Driveway series. Hilarious- from inner divas or pirate families.

  2. Annelies van Dommelen /// 04.09.2020 /// 8:19am

    Ok I want to meet you two.im my studio and lucky to be painting and we’ll. I’m going Hieronymus right now. My thing is “if you can’t go out…go in deeper”. Thanks for the sense and humor.

  3. the jealous curator /// 04.09.2020 /// 10:49am

    ha! 🙂

  4. Marc Cardwell /// 04.11.2020 /// 12:38pm

    good talk! the HR pupinstuff, banana splits & lidsville mentions brought back vague but pleasant memories from the late 60s-early 70s. i _love_ her editorial illustration above.

  5. the jealous curator /// 04.14.2020 /// 9:15pm

    thanks marc! and yes, i love her editorial work too. so good.


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