audie murray

Okay, I cannot deal with how much I love this series… Pop literally meeting culture. To be clear, she also works with gloves, objects, and textiles, but these beautifully beaded socks were calling my name!  This is the intricate and personal work of Audie Murray. Here’s part of her bio, and description of her practice:

Audie Murray is a multi-disciplinary artist who works with various materials including beadwork, quillwork, textiles, repurposed objects, drawing, and media. She is Michif, raised and working in Regina, Saskatchewan, treaty 4 territory. Much of her family and family histories are located in the Qu’Appelle and Meadow Lake regions of Saskatchewan.

Audie’s art practice is informed by the process of making and visiting. Her practice explores themes of contemporary culture and how this relates to experiences of duality and connectivity. Working with specific material choices, she often uses found objects from daily life and transmutes them. This practice is a way to reclaim and work through various subject matter, much of it relating to the body, space, and relationships with a focus on the intersection and expansion of time.

Brilliant. The photo of Audie is from a few years ago, but I love how the socks are incased and just had to include it in the post. Happy Friday.

comments (8)

  1. audie murray - fooledbyart /// 02.05.2021 /// 1:29am

    […] Posted bythe jealous curator […]

  2. Suzy /// 02.05.2021 /// 8:19am

    I love these. Ooooooh, I can just imagine the soft clicking sound they would make walking across the wood floor : )

  3. Rose Currie /// 02.05.2021 /// 2:23pm

    Yay for indigenous artists on the blog! I didn’t know of her before but I absolutely love her work. Especially beading. Thanks for posting it!

  4. the jealous curator /// 02.05.2021 /// 9:12pm

    Yep, I starting writing the second I saw that beading! ; )

  5. Amy Tingle /// 02.06.2021 /// 5:51am

    Holy shit this is brilliant. I could not love this combination more. And I agree with Suzy up there, I immediately heard that same soft clicking.

  6. Jesse Mae /// 02.06.2021 /// 9:16am

    Wonderful pieces – I really appreciate seeing artwork by a female Indigenous artist. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Vikki Drummond /// 02.09.2021 /// 9:59am

    Truly incredible! Why are these beautiful socks so satisfying? I think I love especially the striped sports socks combination. I can’t wait to check out her website.

  8. the jealous curator /// 02.09.2021 /// 10:24am

    exactly! i think it’s the combo of something so mundane/pop culture mixed with something so traditional/delicate! LOVE!!!

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