“using glue like a hammer ‘n nail”

Tiny sculptures made from found scraps? YEP! Philadelphia based artist & animator Lydia Ricci transforms the weirdest bits and pieces into beautiful little objects – from couches and hairdryers to cars and roller skates. We get into how she found her way to this kind of work, and she may or may not have admitted to a crime. Kinda. You can listen right up there under that tiny station wagon and the bike that’s hitching a ride on the roof, or subscribe on Apple Podcasts and/or Spotify.

First up, a few of my favorite little sculptures from Lydia’s massive {yet miniature} portfolio:

Aren’t they fantastic!? Some of her pieces are available through Paradigm Gallery in Philadelphia {Lydia just had a show there… how did we not talk about that?!}

Okay moving on from that little slip-up, here’s just the tiniest sampling of her stop-motion animation work:


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A post shared by from scraps (@lydia__ricci)

Yes, that’s the mac & cheese reference that came up in the Not-So-Speedy speed round… and united us FOREVER! There are so many fantastic animations on Lydia’s Instagram feed, and I almost put allllll of them here, but I figured I’d just point you over there instead. Warning: You will be there for HOURS.

Oh, “PANTYHOSE”. Brace yourself for a crazy true story:

What!? Yep. Just one more reason to love her. ps. Fabulous music by Wonderly.

Up next, “Don’t You Forget About Me”. This is the short film that made me a little teary-eyed. I’m not sure why… maybe it’s the old photos? Everything in there was pulling at my 1970s heartstrings. Oooh, and the other great thing about this video is that you get a peek into her jam-packed studio!

So sweet, and her words are just perfect. Also, how great is that messy studio!? So. Much. Stuff. See:

And with that I will say, thank you so much to Lydia for doing this with me… and mark my words, we will make the dream retreat happen! “True Crime, Mac n’ Cheese, Art 2022”! Okay, I’m gonna have to workshop a better name, but you get the idea. Be there or be square.

Other links:

  1. Lydia on Instagram
  2. Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh
  3. Sheridan College, Ontario
  4. Ann Carrington, Artist : Episode No.193
  5. Paradigm Gallery, Philadelphia
  6. The Innocence Files on Netflix


comments (2)

  1. Bradford /// 04.24.2021 /// 8:30am

    Okay… I have to listen to the episode *but* I’m a sucker for a YouTube vid so I popped over there to give those beauties a quick watch. On this Saturday morning, in addition to drinking coffee, I’ve now yelled out, “YES! The AV cart!!!” and “Take the $20!!!” LOL

  2. the jealous curator /// 04.24.2021 /// 9:15am

    hahahahaha! well it is a $13 profit! 😉

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