ahrong kim

These wonderful, narrative, painted porcelain beauties are the work of Korean-born, Brooklyn based artist Ahrong Kim. I’ve written about her before {and included her work/story in one of my books}, so when I saw these pieces from her 2020 series, “I_LOVE_MYSELF”, it was time to write again! If you don’t already follow Ahrong on Instagram, you should… she posts so many process videos, giving us a peek behind the porcelain curtain. Check out this one, and this one … just for starters!

comments (2)

  1. ahrong kim - fooledbyart /// 09.26.2021 /// 1:36am

    […] Posted bythe jealous curator […]

  2. Berlin /// 10.21.2021 /// 6:22am

    Wow, they look amazing! The second from the end is my favourite!


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