search /// katie McCann

katie mccann

Oh, be still my collage-loving heart! This is the work of California based, English artist Katie McCann. There is just so much to see! Flora, fauna, random oddities, collages within collages… so weird, so wonderful. Here is Katie’s description of what’s going on up there:

“The female face is central to much of my artwork and often acts as a reflection of the natural and sometimes magical world. She can be surrounded by birds, fish and butterflies or submerged in a dense wallpaper pattern which either represents her prison or her liberation.

I have recently found that my collages are becoming more orderly and methodical – neatly arranged, strange objects fill the page like rows of paper microscope slides or specimens in a tiny cabinet of curiosity. My need to obsessively cut can sometimes outweigh the composition of the piece, so I am often left with piles of abandoned cuttings – lost bones, moths, fungi, feathers, coral, shells and butterfly wings. Eventually these too will find a place to reside.”

Yessssssssss. Okay, I have to go cut stuff out. Immediately.

{found via Kolaj Magazine}

katie mccann

Oh, I do love a good 100 day project, and London born, California based artist Katie McCann has given herself a great one: #100DaysofPaperHeads … love love love! She’s been working on this series since April 2017 and is just finishing up. I was tempted to post all of them, but that would be tiny bit crazy… right? Here’s her artist statement, which I also happen to love oh so very much:

”I have known such a creature” (Charles Altamont Doyle) is how I start my collages. As a child, I lived in a wonder world of faeries, witches, science fiction and botany. Not much has changed, the only difference being that I record all of my thoughts and stories in the form of intricately cut and pieced together collages. I like everything old and a little tired so I seek out images and photographs that are antique, vintage and forgotten. I transform these paper memories and records into other worldly creatures who are sometimes static like specimens and at other times are surviving in a unique habitat. I am rooted in the tradition of old fashioned childhood where discovery was at the bottom of the garden in amongst the crushed leaves, the lilac and the fungi. I hope that the creatures I uncovered in that quiet landscape are reflected in my collages.

ps. Some of these pieces are available in her Etsy shop, and more are being added every day!

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