i’m jealous of jeremy miranda

Ice is really hard to paint. When I was about six, my mom {who happens to be a very accomplished artist} told me to use blue when painting snow or ice… blue?! I didn’t believe her, and decided to stick with white. Clearly, I should have listened. I saw these paintings by American artist Jeremy Miranda about a week ago, and instantly loved them. Beautiful compositions, simple horizons, and big chunks of breathtaking ice… blue ice.

{via Poppytalk}

comments (4)

  1. chum /// 03.11.2011 /// 7:03am

    such gorgeous colour!

  2. Marisa and Creative Thursday /// 03.12.2011 /// 5:18pm

    wow! these are absolutely gorgeous!

  3. the jealous curator /// 03.12.2011 /// 8:44pm

    yes they are! : )

  4. Melanie /// 03.14.2011 /// 12:23pm

    i love these! Capturing the light beautifully.

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