i’m still jealous of todd hido

Hm… there is definitely a story in there somewhere. I wrote about American photographer Todd Hido about two years ago. I absolutely love his “homes at night” series, mainly because I’m a snoop {I prefer that to ‘peeping tom’}. When I see a warm glow coming from a window, I can’t help but wonder what’s happening inside. Thankfully, Todd has a portfolio full of lonely interiors, and a whole bunch of very sassy portraits… put them all together with a few clicks in Photoshop, and voila, my little story starts to write itself {without me getting arrested!}

comments (5)

  1. Jeuno /// 10.05.2012 /// 5:33am

    Here is a poem about glimpsing the lives of others in evening’s windows, an art I learned from my darling mother:

    Poem to be Read at 3 a.m.

    Excepting the diner
    On the outskirts
    The town of Ladora
    At 3 a.m.
    Was dark but
    For my headlights
    And up in
    One second-story room
    A single light
    Where someone
    Was sick or
    Perhaps reading
    As I drove past
    At seventy
    Not thinking
    This poem
    Is for whoever
    Had the light on

    -Donald Justice


  2. the jealous curator /// 10.05.2012 /// 6:24am


  3. Fernando /// 10.06.2012 /// 8:33pm

    The last picture was used in the cover of a Raymond Carver Book. quite eerie and interesting.

  4. annton /// 10.09.2012 /// 2:29am

    these are beautifully scary. some kind of a pictured, mondern kafka. I can see butterflies too. the heavy ones.

  5. Holly Farrell /// 10.09.2012 /// 8:24am


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