“if it scares you, do it”


Ah, the dreamy work of Portland based artist Lisa Golightly. I have known Lisa for a long time, and I was actually surprised that I convinced her to do this with me. Neither of us “love” making phone calls, so to not only do a phone call but to also allow me to record said phone call? Let’s just say that there was wine involved! Anyway, you can listen right up there under that faded day at the beach, or subscribe on iTunes. As you’re listening, take a look at the work that Lisa and I talked about, in the order that we talked about it. Grab a drink… we did! First up, just a few of my favorites from Lisa’s portfolio:


Sigh. So dreamy. And so amazing that she actually studied photography, and is a self-taught painter… true story! Some of her work was in my show at the Bedford Gallery last December, this is it, and us:


Note the very insightful quote from Lisa on the wall. Love. Speaking of love, these are a few of the pieces from the “Fade Away” show she mentioned that was shown at pushDot Studio in Portland. I love how personal her reason for doing this work is. So touching.


Love all of those. Beautiful, and a tiny bit sad. Up next, her washy, delicate, easy to ruin, have to know when to stop abstracts that we mentioned:


Stunning! A few of these are available through Good Eye Gallery. And finally, not Lisa’s daughter, but the other Holly Golightly:


Ha! Sorry Holly… I had to do it! Thank you so much to Lisa for “doing something that scares her”, to Saatchi Art for supporting this episode, and big thanks to you for listening! There will be more art for your ear next weekend!

ps. some of my favorite pieces are available as very affordable prints in my online gallery.

comments (31)

  1. Brandi /// 08.14.2015 /// 10:25pm

    Aaagh!! So excited to listen to this. She is one of my favourite, favourite artists. I’m currently doing a road trip with my 3 boys from Manitoba to BC and I am living off your podcasts, Danielle. Too good.

  2. the jealous curator /// 08.14.2015 /// 11:08pm

    oh yay! this is a good one… lisa is one of my faves too! safe travels to you and your boys!

  3. Danielle /// 08.15.2015 /// 2:15pm

    Hi there! I’m curious, do you have any plans to make your podcast available via Stitcher? I’m probably in the minority with my Android but I’d love to easily access the show. 🙂

  4. the jealous curator /// 08.15.2015 /// 2:22pm

    oh, i don’t know danielle… i suppose i should look into that! (i’m not very techie, but i’ll see what i have to do – thanks for the head’s up!)

  5. the jealous curator /// 08.15.2015 /// 2:25pm

    hey danielle… try subscribing with this url through whatever app you have on your android for podcasts: http://thejealouscurator.libsyn.com/rss (let me know if that works!) 😉

  6. stephanie /// 08.15.2015 /// 6:21pm

    you two are so adorable! it’s art for your ear: the happy hour version! i had a glass along with you and loved the conversation. lisa’s art is SO damn good! and i agree about the if it scares you, do it part. it’s not fun but it does seem to work! xox!!

  7. the jealous curator /// 08.15.2015 /// 9:50pm

    haha! love it stephanie! why didn’t we drink champagne during yours? do-over! xo

  8. Eirin /// 08.16.2015 /// 8:12am

    More drinks during takes, I simply love the beeping out. Elizabeth Gilbert has an adult language-warning on her podcast, haven’t heard any yet I think. Awesome cast & huge fan of Lisa’s work. Yay!

  9. the jealous curator /// 08.16.2015 /// 9:42pm

    ha! thanks eirin 🙂

  10. brandi marie /// 08.17.2015 /// 10:26am

    Love these, Danielle!

  11. Leah /// 08.17.2015 /// 8:12pm

    I just LOVE these podcasts! so inspiring! I get so excited to get in the studio every time I listen. I can’t wait to see who is coming next! Thank you thank you Danielle!

  12. the jealous curator /// 08.17.2015 /// 9:05pm

    thanks leah… the next one is SO GOOD!!! craziest. story. ever.

  13. Elwin /// 08.18.2015 /// 4:46am

    Damn it Danielle, I was waiting for you to ask whether Lisa named her daughter after the character. Missed opportunity! 😛

  14. the jealous curator /// 08.18.2015 /// 8:19am

    ha! of course they did! 🙂 (her daughter didn’t want us to talk about it at all… so we didn’t get into it)

  15. Jamie Howell /// 08.23.2015 /// 4:46pm

    Great interview! The “simple is hard” quote and chopping up existing artwork into smaller works if definite food for thought.

  16. Liz Zanca /// 09.14.2015 /// 8:25am

    I am in art school currently, some teachers are still picky and precise about what they want, but many have encouraged me to experiment and play, and that scary is the right thing to do. I am still working on that part. Great podcast!

  17. the jealous curator /// 09.14.2015 /// 12:40pm

    oh, glad to hear that there aren’t any “bonfires” in your art school experience, liz! ; )

  18. ART DIRECTION :: ALONE TIME - coco+kelley /// 10.30.2015 /// 6:00am

    […] first learned about Lisa’s work from my friend The Jealous Curator. I love her figurative pieces inspired by photography and her moody abstract paintings like […]

  19. mindy /// 10.31.2015 /// 12:12pm


  20. ART DIRECTION :: ALONE TIME /// 11.05.2015 /// 7:42pm

    […] first learned about Lisa’s work from my friend The Jealous Curator. I love her figurative pieces inspired by photography and her moody abstract paintings like […]

  21. Jessica Heberle /// 03.19.2016 /// 9:54am

    LOVED this episode!!!!! Looking for inspiration today and listening to all your podcasts!!
    Also, I have MAJOR phone phobia I’ve never heard of anyone else having that!!! And LOVE The Bachelor 🙂

  22. 8 Craft Podcasters Pick the Best Podcasts - whileshenaps.com /// 04.11.2016 /// 5:11am

    […] best podcast episode I’ve ever listened to is Lisa Golightly on Art for Your Ear, “If it scares you, do […]

  23. “a giant game of telephone… with art” | Beholdamerica the blog /// 06.18.2016 /// 10:26pm

    […] {Did you see Lisa Golightly and Susanna Bauer in there?!} Each chain was then housed in a customized set designed by, you […]

  24. Colleen /// 07.11.2016 /// 4:26pm

    I am so extremely happy that I was introduced to your blog and your podcasts!! As a design student, I still don’t understand the concept of not being great immediately, but listening to the last few podcasts have assured me that learning is messy and does not always produce amazing work. Thank you so much for all you do, please keep it up!!

  25. the jealous curator /// 07.11.2016 /// 4:34pm

    thanks colleen… that’s SUCH a great lesson to learn! wish i’d figured that out when i was in school ; )

  26. Jodi Ferrier /// 01.19.2017 /// 4:45am

    I am so excited to have just discovered the Jealous Curator! Thank you for your wonderful selection of artists and your insightful questions. As a painter, it is always so fun and encouraging to hear other painter’s stories, inspirations, challenges, and wins. Thank you!

  27. C /// 06.12.2018 /// 9:50am

    I am from Jamaica and just found your website and am certainly enjoying the interviews.

  28. Christine Aaron /// 03.29.2021 /// 4:19pm

    Another great one. Those floodline paintings are gorgeous.
    One of the things that I’m enjoying most about all of these podcasts is listening to each person’s art journey…and how each is unique and often round about. I love that there is no one path. That Danielle, you are so generous, respectful, and open armed about your inclusion of such a range of artists and experiences. Your podcast helps to reinforce that the possibilites are endless…thank you.

  29. the jealous curator /// 03.30.2021 /// 10:15am

    oh, thank you soooo much christine! that made my day 🙂

  30. Amber Pipkorn /// 07.17.2022 /// 3:25pm

    I know I’m way behind, but I just started listening and I’m thoroughly dedicated- I started at the very beginning.
    Anyway, I listened to this episode while “mom”titasking (putting away laundry/taking a shower) and took the drink suggestion. Making for all the more relaxing of a shower and drinking right along with you. It’s the evening by the way
    I was thinking about the art prof thing.. I graduated art school ten years ago and had an overall good experience with my professors. (One rogue painting teacher made me cry, but I think our personalities just clashed and we didn’t get each other). I’m wondering if maybe most of the professors are trying to “break the cycle” of dream ruining professors? Kinda like how we are always trying to parent different than our parents…?
    So happy to finally join the jealous curator party

  31. Anastácia Marques /// 08.26.2023 /// 3:20pm

    maybe it’s too late to comment but I just discovered this podcast and I’m really enjoying it! I would like to share my school experience as a recent graduate and clearly times are different, but I feel that in the arts course in Portugal I had the best teachers as artists and as people, I think this shaped me a lot as a person and as an artist too. Of course, there are always teachers who are not good teachers at all, but to say that teachers who challenge your abilities and manage to see beyond what you are or the work you are doing at the moment is so constructive. I’m grateful to have picked up teachers who made me grow, those who are still not only my mentors but also friends. thanks for the podcast, it’s been my music in the studio.


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