“blossoms & burlesque”


Today I’m talking to Tiffanie Turner… now, normally I’d be calling her in San Francisco, but today she’s in a beautiful barn in New Hampshire. Yep, she’s in the middle of a wonderful, creative, soul-restoring residency where she’s knee-deep in paper flowers. When we met in 2012, Tiffanie was an at-home-mom who had put her architecture career on hold (indefinitely) and was, well, in flux. Clearly, she has found her way! Book deals, workshops, shows, residencies… and from time to time, she takes her clothes off in front of a crowd. Seriously. Listen right up there, or subscribe on iTunes. As you’re listening, take a look at the things we talked about in the order that we talked about them. First up, a few of her stunning, handmade, often large-scale, paper flowers:


Sigh. Gorgeous. And now, to the barn! This is where she is right now… working away in complete, wonderful, creative solitude:


That’s the mess she was able to leave all over the place… a luxury when you’re used to a studio that also doubles as your family dining table! Oh, and that is the shot of her glue covered fingers that I was concerned about. Next up, a couple of shots from her workshops:


Lovely. Speaking of lovely, here’s Tiffanie in all her burlesque/paper flower beauty:


… gorgeous! Man oh man, I’d be terrified! Tiffanie learned the ropes from Bombshell Betty in San Francisco. Also in San Francisco, a beautiful shop & gallery called Rare Device. This was the location for the “Dead of Winter” show that Tiffanie curated last year. Here she is in action, followed by my collage (that I was thrilled to have included), and her stunning/huge decaying paper flower:


Love. So from a residency in a barn, to a month-long residency at the de Young. Look at this insane space that she’ll call her own next May:


Whoa. Crazy. And I could have stopped there, but I had to include this photo from her gorgeous Instagram feed:


Sexy lady. Maker of beautiful handmade flowers. Exhausted mother. Yep, Tiffanie in a nutshell!  Thank you so much for talking to me, Tiffanie! Thanks to Saatchi Art for supporting the episode, and thank you for listening… there will be more ART FOR YOUR EAR next weekend!


Other links mentioned:

Our friend Katharine Daugherty’s residency in Hudson, NY: Drop Forge & Tool 

Arts funding groups: Fractured Atlas, NY  & Intersection for the Arts, SF

comments (10)

  1. Rania Watts /// 09.20.2015 /// 12:17am

    another wonderfully inspirational show… so much content in that short a time…

  2. the jealous curator /// 09.20.2015 /// 9:42am

    ha! thanks … yeah, amazing how much we can pack in! ; )

  3. Brandi Baldwin /// 09.23.2015 /// 7:58am

    Your collage is oh so beautiful, Danielle. Such a beautiful colour palette.
    Did you sell this piece???

  4. the jealous curator /// 09.23.2015 /// 9:46pm

    thanks brandi 🙂 yep, it sold (very exciting!)

  5. Katharine Daugherty /// 09.23.2015 /// 2:23pm

    So good to hear both of your voices on this podcast. And thanks so much for the Drop Forge & Tool shout out. Now I really need to update our website! It’s not up to Jealous Curator snuff. 😉 ❤️

  6. the jealous curator /// 09.24.2015 /// 9:22am

    of course katharine! i’m so excited for you… such a perfect fit for you!

  7. Disney Art /// 09.30.2015 /// 11:14pm

    Those flowers are absolutely aMAzing!!!! I need all of them right this minute. Every day. The detail takes my breath away. Thanks so much for bringing her to my attention! I also wanted to mention how wonderful it is to come to your blog and see…um, the ART. So many other art blogs have a lot of distraction all over the place. On yours I always see what you want me to see right now. Thank you!

  8. Lori /// 11.11.2015 /// 5:14am

    A little late, but these are amazingly detailed. I love the huge decaying flower; so good.

  9. “welcome to boburg” | Beholdamerica the blog /// 12.06.2015 /// 10:26am

    […] Other links: Bobbie’s gorgeous Instagram feed  /  Bobbie’s sculptures  /  Show at Bau-Xi Vancouver  /  Tiffanie Turner’s paper flower work […]

  10. tiffanie turner | Online Art News /// 05.18.2016 /// 3:31am

    […] as the fabulous artist-in-residence at the de Young Museum in San Francisco! I had her on the podcast last year, while she was tucked away at another residency in a beautiful barn, and she talked about […]


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